The things I do with my time when I’m sick
Life is short…flip off a cybertruck today!
Imagine if gods name was pronounced “jod” and we’ve been saying it wrong the entire time
Me playing platformers is the level of confidence I assume cishet white men have all the time
Every straight couples costume ever
Me when I forget to take pictures of my costume
Who up galeing their Novembers
I’m amazed there’s people nostalgic for highschool and being a teenager literally when I feel super low I think “well at least I’ll never be 17 again” like a positive affirmation and it does make me feel better
Unless you are Zac Efron in the film 17 again
Idc if it was annoying on set this is genuinely my favorite photo of all time
No I actually just wanted to check my notifications
My grandfather (rip) had a theory in the 70s that the reason why rocky horror was so controversial was that all men were at least a little attracted to Tim curry and that made them scared and I gotta say he was so ahead of his time