day 42
today's bird is the rose-breasted grosbeak! (Pheucticus ludovicianus)
this was actually the first bird i ever posted, so i thought it would be nice to revisit him to celebrate being back :0D
day 42
today's bird is the rose-breasted grosbeak! (Pheucticus ludovicianus)
this was actually the first bird i ever posted, so i thought it would be nice to revisit him to celebrate being back :0D
day 40
today's bird is the yellow-bellied sapsucker!
day 39
today's bird is the cerulean warbler!
Caw caw hello! Been loving your birds! If you're interested, I would like to request my good friend the American Crow. :-)
day 38
today's bird is the american crow!
day 37
today's bird (and yesterday's mystery swallow) is the northern rough-winged swallow!
mayhaps i ask for a sweet little crested cormorant? :>
day 36
today's bird is the double-crested cormorant!
You should do a fiery throated humming bird! They look so pretty
day 34
today's bird is the fiery-throated hummingbird!
Hi could you draw a Kakapo parrot? They’re my boyfriend’s favorite bird 🥺
day 33
today's bird is the kākāpō!
day 32
today's bird is the least bittern!
Can you draw a California condor???? They're v v important to me! Love your artwork btw- do you sell it anywhere?
day 31
today's bird is the california condor!
How about a victoria crowned pigeon? They look so cute and pretty looking !
day 27
today's bird is the victoria crowned-pigeon!
Might I request an Eastern Screech Owl? (Red morph) :3 Good day!
day 26
today's bird is the eastern screech-owl (red/rufous morph)!