@birdofmay on Tumblr

Genuine tea enjoyer 🫖

@birdofmay /

Sina ("Zee-nuh") (she/they/it/any EXCEPT for he/him) • My name is Frisian and I am too • I was diagnosed with severe autism as a child, but I don't have ID. Yes, that's possible 😄 • I am non-verbal "from birth": I never learned to speak, but sometimes I randomly say single words. I also struggle with receptive language and don't understand complex language/walls of text. • I try to be nice to everyone, so in case I criticise you, that's not meant in a mean way! You can always tell me if I upset you, I'll take that seriously


Unless I make it clear that I don't like something and that a post is negative, you can always assume that my posts are neutral to positive. I mean what I say unless stated otherwise. I'll make it clear when I'm sarcastic or joking. Tone tags like /nf (no force), etc. confuse me because usually it wouldn't even have occurred to me that someone could have felt forced by it. I take things literally and mean things literally. If I don't, I'll make that clear ☝🏼


Autism levels, support needs, severity, and terminology:


I use "severe" as a self-descriptor because that's what I was diagnosed with and therefore that's what people always refer to me as. I use it to indicate that my symptoms are different from most autistics on Tumblr and that I probably can't relate to most "extremely relatable autism posts" on here. I would never(!) force a label on someone, it's solely for myself.

You'll find my tag system and other things under the cut:


What I absolutely love about finally being able to perceive more of my surroundings and other people is that I can be randomly nice to people.

Oh, this trail is muddy and slippery and there's an elderly woman approaching - I can ask my carer to make her aware that she'll probably slip and should rather use the street, not this shortcut!

Oh, someone's struggling with heavy baggage - I can ask my carer if we can help them!

Even though most of the time people are still nonexistent to me, whenever I perceive others, I immediately try to be nice to them because HECK YEAH, I SEE YOU, HELLO, I JUST PERCEIVED A HUMAN BEING, HII!! ♥️


Sometimes, but only sometimes, your situation can be fixed with a really good cup of tea!


I don’t think we’re rick rolling each other enough anymore. 1. it CANNOT die out 2. this under saturated market is perfect for unsuspecting victims who’ve been lulled into a false sense of security. be the person you hate. bring back the dastardly link

someone actually studied the falling Rick Roll rate for their Ph.D dissertation recently and published the paper

okay but this made me wonder if there was actually any academic literature on rickrolling and YES THERE IS this is a paper about rickrolling WITHIN academic literature. As in, studies that attempt to rickroll the people reading them. Best part is no one is going to believe me and click that link even though it’s 100% true.

My friend's book is mentioned in this paper!!

There is no earthy way of convincing anyone that the rickroll study link is real. But for what it's worth. It is


Did you guys ever think of not using in-line links?

This is the link of the study above and now everyone can see a preview 🤷🏻

(In case there's a way to manipulate previews, I'd definitely not be smart enough for this, I have brain damage and am otherwise developmentally disabled in ways that make me... slow.)


"Is it weird to-" - No. Rare? Maybe. Unusual? Maybe. Weird? No.


Executive functions

I absolutely hate it that most of Tumblr seems to think that executive dysfunction is simply "Struggling to start tasks". (I just realised that this could come across as aggressive.... It's not, I'm not, I'm chill, I promise ☝️)

And since I don't know how to explain it in my own words, here's a Cleveland clinic link that explains it:

PLEASE don't forget planning, monitoring yourself, and changing strategies while problem solving after you realised that your previous strategy doesn't work/apply here when talking about executive dysfunction - it explains a lot about many conditions!


Executive functions

I absolutely hate it that most of Tumblr seems to think that executive dysfunction is simply "Struggling to start tasks". (I just realised that this could come across as aggressive.... It's not, I'm not, I'm chill, I promise ☝️)

And since I don't know how to explain it in my own words, here's a Cleveland clinic link that explains it:

PLEASE don't forget planning, monitoring yourself, and changing strategies while problem solving after you realised that your previous strategy doesn't work/apply here when talking about executive dysfunction - it explains a lot about many conditions!


I swear I'm just doing my thing in the here and now, and suddenly a Death Cab for Cutie song plays and I'm in school again panicking about tomorrow's maths class


If I link a private post to a public post, can people who click on the link see the private post anyway?

(it's about organising long posts, I'm trying to think of a better method to organise my FAQ post)

Edit: I saw that you can't link private posts, so that's that 🤷🏻

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