derp lion: taxidermied for the king of sweden in 1731
This lion was going to be presented to king Frederick I as a gift, but it died. Since it was still a good amount of time before arriving back in Sweden, the body couldn't exactly be kept with the meat on it...the rotting stench of a 550 lb carnivore would have been way more than any crew would be willing to deal with.
So, what with the meat needing to be stripped, the hide was removed and preserved, the bones that could be saved were saved (about half were lost), and both were presented to a taxidermist back in Sweden. A taxidermist who'd never seen a lion - not in drawings, and certainly not in person.
With nothing more than skin and some bones to go on, this is what he came up with. You wanna see this weird freak? It's still on display at Gripsholm's Castle.