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Biomedical Ephemera, or: A Frog for Your Boils

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A blog for all biological and medical ephemera, from the age of Abraham through the era of medical quackery and cure-all nostrums. Featuring illustrations, history, and totally useless trivia from the diverse realms of nature and medicine. Buy me a coffee so I can stay up and keep the lights on around here!

Ways to Die: Poisonous Plants

Humans have been out to get each other since before we were even Homo sapiens sapiens. For the strong and the brash, there was always outright physical violence; a club to the head or a knife to the throat was a simple way to destroy an unsuspecting rival.

But humanity had more than just violence at its disposal. Those inclined to plan and use their brains over their brawn found that there was an easier way to kill, one that would not risk their own body in an attack, or let others know who killed their rival, or even if the rival was killed by another person in the first place.

Enter: POISONS. Historically largely derived from plants, humans have murdered each other, and at times themselves, using various species of plants. There is an expansive list of plants that can potentially kill a human, but a few have gained reputations over the millenia as premier agents of death...

  • Aconitum spp. - Wolfsbane or Monkshood: A genus of over 250 beautifully flowering plants, closely related to the buttercup. Grows throughout Eurasia, cultivated worldwide. Aconitum sp. was used by the Ainu of Japan to hunt bears, and A. napellus is used by the Minaro of Ladakhi to hunt ibex. A probable culprit in multiple Borgia murders. Large doses are almost instantaneously fatal. Causes poisoning similar to that of pufferfish - tetrodotoxin-sensitive channels are open, and flaccid paralysis will quickly ensue following exposure.
  • Cicuta maculata - Spotted Water Hemlock, Snakeweed, or Spotted Cowbane: The most deadly plant in North America, due to its roots occasionally being mistaken for wild parsnip. Ageratina altissima killed Abraham Lincoln's mother, due to its ingestion by a cow whose milk she drank. A relative of C. maculata, Conium maculatum (poison hemlock) was used in the death sentence of Socrates.
  • Datura stramonium - Jimsonweed, Thorn Apple, or Locoweed: A member of the nightshade (Solanaceae) family. Found mostly in North America, but other species of Datura exist in the rest of the Americas. Contains atropine, hyoscyamine, and scopolamine, which lead to a complete inability to differentiate reality and fantasy (delirium - not hallucination as many people allege), tachycardia, hyperthermia, and bizarre/violent behavior patterns. Tea made from Datura plants is sometimes alleged by quacks to be medicinally beneficial. It is not. Multiple people have come very close to death, and two (known) people have died in the United States because they thought it would have some positive hallucinogenic or medicinal effect upon them. The very unpleasant taste of the beans leads to few accidental deaths due to ingestion.
  • Strychnos nux-vomica - Strychnine Tree: Ahh, strychnine. Used as a poison in India from ancient times, and the source of a most unpleasant and violent death (or near-death episode). Strychnine causes prolonged grand mal seizures, due to the entire motor ganglia of the spinal cord being stimulated at one time, once the toxin makes it to the bloodstream. Currently still used as a rodent poison in many parts of the world, but illegal in the United States. One of the most common agents of domestic murder in India and Pakistan today. Easily detected by mass spectroscopy, but despite several dozen murders in the US and Indoasian countries, specific testing for the agent is still not routine in those suspected to be poisoned.
  • Ricinus communis - Castor oil Plant: Indigenous to the Mediterranean, East Africa, and India. The attractive flowers have made this tree a popular installation in gardens throughout all tropical regions. This is where the toxic agent ricin comes from. This causes an extremely painful death, with convulsions, and intense conscious pain, vomiting, diarrhea, and spasms. While its use in Africa as a "trial-by-fire" agent (if one did not die from ingesting the beans, they were innocent) has been around for centuries, its emergence in the West is relatively recent. In 1971, Bulgarian dissident Georgi Markov was shot in the leg with a pellet of concentrated ricin from a weapon concealed inside an umbrella, and died four days later. Since then, over a dozen in the Western world have been convicted of murdering others with crushed castor beans, and several dozen other incidents are suspected.


A Modern Herbal. Mrs. M. Grieve, 1931.

Plants and Civilization. Maintained by Prof. Arthur C. Gibson, from 1985 textbook.


Brain displaying necrosis due to carbon monoxide poisoning

In the past, carbon monoxide toxicity was not unheard of, especially during the winter. Cold nights and CO-producing fires lead to a silent death while asleep.

Though people were aware that they needed ventilation when fires were burning, frigid cold outside leading to people keeping too much air out, and having a stove burning through the night (so as not to freeze to death...), led to at least several dozen documented deaths throughout the Midwestern United States in the 1890s. 

A Text-Book of Pathology. W. G. MacCallum, 1916.


Blistering of buttocks by mustard gas

Man sat on contaminated ground and vapour passed through clothing, causing inflammation and blistering of skin. Blistering was ruptured by pressure when patient sat down after formation, but scratching of irritated area was avoided (first day req'd local anesthetic), and as such chronic dermatitis was avoided. Erythema was replaced by brown staining beginning on eighth day of recovery. Drawing made on eleventh day.

Patient recovered in three weeks with no complications or secondary infections.

An Atlas of Gas Poisoning. Medical Research Council [Canada], 1918.


Healing process of moderate-severe mustard gas burn to eyes

Casualty caused by bursting of "Yellow Cross" shell close to man, while he was riding a resistive mule, causing his box respirator to become momentarily displaced. Fine spray of liquid splashed lightly on right side, causing cutaneous blisters on right cheek, neck, forehead, and serious burning in right eye. Left eye showed only mild burning, with a short-term acute conjunctivitis.

In similar cases, infiltrated corneal ulcer with hypopyon and secondary infection are both serious concerns. This case healed slowly but unremarkably.

Plate XIa: Severely burned eye in the acute stage - Early second day after mustard gas exposure. Eyelids and external surface of globe display intense inflammation, tears constantly produced behind edematous eyelids. Photophobia and blepharospasm at this point make examination difficult.

Plate XIb: Slightly later stage in acute burning - Swelling in conjunctiva and below has subsided, but solid white edema in the palpebral aperature is still well marked. The cornea is grey in the exposed region.

Plate XIIa: Stage of resolution after severe burning - Vascular injection is passing off, and solid edema is becoming absorbed. Corneal epithelium no longer cloudy. At this stage, atropine should be discontinued, but dark shades should be continued.

Plate XIIb: Late stage of resolution - Vascular injection above and below cornea practically disappeared, and the solid white edema is reabsorbed. The formerly red parts of the eye are now white, and the formerly white part of the eye is now red. Atropine and dark shades should not be used at this stage (which is also similar to mild burns), and use of eyes should be encouraged, with occupation (such as knitting, transcription, etc).

An Atlas of Gas Poisoning. Medical Research Council [Canada], 1918.

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