Strigops habroptilus - The Kakapo
Kakapos are some of the goofiest animals out there, and sadly, one of the most endangered, too. Also known as the owl parrot and night parrot, they lost their power of flight long ago, and as is too often the case, were nearly wiped out by settlers and their introduction of dogs, cats, ferrets, and stoats. Since the kakapo had evolved without a fear of those animals, their natural boldness wound up getting many of them eaten by the invasive species - and that’s not even counting the fact that they were apparently “delicious”.
The kakapo (one named Sirocco, specifically) is the bird that attempted to mate with Mark Carwardine’s head in the remake of “Last Chance to See”, with Stephen Fry. If you haven’t seen the clip yet, it’s fantastic. “You’ve been shagged by a rare parrot!”
The Zoology of the Voyage of the HMS Erebus & Terror From 1839-1843. John Richardson and John Edward Gray, 1845.