Does milk leech calcium from bones?
Okay, third time I’ve gotten this question.
As a dairy science humaoid: NO, IT DOES NOT.
Unless you have been drinking only milk your entire life, and then suddenly drink only water, there is no plausible way I can think of that milk would leach calcium from your bones. And even THEN, you’d only leach it from your bones for a few days/weeks at most, if you had other calcium sources. Even if those sources are harder for the digestive system to access than milk, they probably have more calcium to make up for it, and are just fine in the long run.
In the end you need plenty of calcium AND VITAMIN D for both your bones and guts, and milk is an alright source for those.
But honestly, rich leafy greens like kale, cheese (especially parmasean and its ilk), sardines, and tofu are all excellent sources of calcium, and don’t have the same sugar content as milk.
Yes, most of them are much higher in fat content, but that means that they remind your brain “SHIT SON THAT’S GOOD WE HAVE ENERGY FOR THE NEXT 8 HOURS!” and not “OH NO! NEED LONG-SUSTAINING FUD, ONLY HAVE SUGARS AVAILABLE!”
Regardless, in the quantities that most people consume it, milk does not leach from the bones, it is NOT the best source of calcium, it is not necessarily bad, and not always the best.
I love cows, I love dairy science, LOVE cheese, and I love my home state. I am also an eternal skeptic and believer in science, and do not appreciate the Dairy Council taking my money and turning it into what amounts to propaganda in some campaigns.
Seek the truth for yourself. Learn how science and critical thinking work, and read the studies people claim “support” their viewpoint. Figure out if they’re correct or not, but don’t assume you know how to do so until you actually understand how science and critical thinking work.
You’re you’re own best advocate.
tl;dr: No, it doesn’t. But don’t believe that it’s the miracle drink it’s marketed as, either - especially if you’re past adolescence.