Since you said in response to someone else's question to specify what type of animal, what are your favorite mammal, bird and fish?
Favorite mammal: Pangolin all the way! My beautiful scaly love is the most trafficked animal in the world, and it’s tragic as all get out, cause most people are just like “ew that’s an artichoke with legs who cares”. They’ll always be charismatic megafauna to ME, though!
Sandslash uber alles!
Two-toed sloths come in a close second.
Favorite bird: Secretarybird for badassery and looks.
Kakapo because Sirroco.
Mark Carwardine being “shagged by a rare parrot”.
Favorite fish: Hard to say. Can octopi be fish? Cause I really wanna say octopi. But no, I wont. I really dig a lot of deep sea fish, like the many anglerfish and viperfish. Hrm. I’ll go with the red-lipped batfish, though. It has had enough of everyone’s shit.