Positions of the fetus requiring intervention at birth, a reclining birthing chair, and instruments used to assist in delivery of the infant.
A General System of Surgery in three parts. Dr. Laurence Heister, 1745.
@biomedicalephemera / biomedicalephemera.tumblr.com
Positions of the fetus requiring intervention at birth, a reclining birthing chair, and instruments used to assist in delivery of the infant.
A General System of Surgery in three parts. Dr. Laurence Heister, 1745.
Amputating the legs. Note the surgeons still wearing their wigs during operations. This isn't just artistic license, they really did. I mean, I know Dr. Lister hadn't even been born yet, but really? Wigs?!
A General System of Surgery in Three Parts. Dr. Laurence Heister, 1745.