Anonymous asked:
if z is slytherinn, what's kurt? and can you give reasons?
i feel like the sorting hat would be thrown up over ravenclaw and hufflepuff, so i will justify both, then explain why i picked what i picked. (sources: pottermore intro, hp wiki)
- wit: kurt is well-known for his snarky one-liners, even in the largest group calls, he can reduce all of them to laughter with a few words. my personal favorite is pre-wither fight in S4: “so you buy the clothes and get the head?” “come again??” [guude dying in the background]
- intellectual curiosity: in the latest FLoB he walks east again, for the sole purpose of finding where the block offset went from one pixel to two pixels. and also, cuts an episode of FLoB and presses F3 outside of a FLoBathon for SCIENCE! (a phrase he says about 50 times in said episode)
- also: his well-known love for astronomy. kurt would probably fall asleep in one of the chairs near the common room window looking out over the mountains and the stars. it doesn’t help that the ravenclaw room is in one of the towers, either.
- originality and individuality: pretty much the only person left to be playing beta 1.7.3, and to decide, three years ago, to walk millions of blocks in a video game. and to take a dog
- wisdom: one of my all-time favorite quotes: “it’s good not to feel guilty about the things that make you happy” (kurtjmac, 2014) also has a generally chill outlook on life and is really good at expressing them.
- dedication: he was told, three years ago, that he was undertaking an impossible task, by choosing to walk to the far lands. as of the latest episode, the block offset is two pixels, and he is even more determined to continue walking than when he started.
- hard work: for all his inconsistency, FLoB has been as consistent as his schedule and his internet has allowed, for all of three years. for the kids!
- patience and tolerance: pretty much a requirement for what he’s doing, plus taking care of a wolf that’s on the outdated AI, which will jump into cactus and lava and off cliffs
- fair play: when repeatedly dying due to glitch deaths in UHC, he sighs and grumbles a little but accepts it and laughs about it later. when you think about it, that’s something you would expect to read in the books to happen to a hufflepuff
the verdict
- the students are sorted into houses for the purpose of giving them an environment where they will develop and grow, to be with other people who are similar in aptitude
- basically: which will make you the best possible person you can be?
- the sorting hat would say: for all that he looks to space and the stars, he is down-to-earth and grounded--he has been, ever since. so, hufflepuff.
- but it would also see what he could be, the way he is cheery and talkative and charming when he records a video alone, and the contrast between his videos alone and his videos with even the one other person he’s most comfortable with. which gives the hat pause: there is more to this person than just his shyness and weirdness.
- he is bright and motivated and motivating, even to others, and the few words he says are powerful and concise, and the sorting hat imagines that presence in the ravenclaw common room, where the most academically competitive reside, and whispers to him that he would do best in ravenclaw
- and the hat almost expects him to recoil; he is shy and not competitive at all, he might be intimidated by the reputation of the house, but all he feels is a quiet enthusiasm, almost excitement (maybe partially because of what he’d heard about it being so high up in the castle), and it is there that the hat settles and yells the result to the hall