the most annoying stage of burnout is when i want to write, and i have the urge to write, and somewhere in my skull are the words that want to be written, but they have to get through the cursed minotaur maze first and nobody remembered to bring string
I'm cheating on my WIP with the WIP I started to avoid yet another WIP
Oops it me
Lesser-known steps of the writing process:
- Finding all the paragraphs where you used some hyper-specific word more than once
- Rearranging paragraphs that you swear you wrote in the right order but turned out to be totally backwards
- Going for a walk, coming up with the perfect line, and forgetting it as soon as you get home and open your laptop
- Creating a separate document where you can dump all of those nice sentences that no longer fit in anywhere
- Waking up in a cold sweat because so-and-so was supposed to be barefoot but never actually took his shoes off
ppl talk about the difficulty of writing characters smarter than yourself, but the real challenge is writing a character who is funnier than you are
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yes, I'm self-aware thank you
*emerges from the other room covered in blood* you should see the word document
does it look like this
Why am I like this
guys i can’t emphasise enough how important this is
please consider all of these factors facing fanfic writers, who are doing this for fun and no return whatsoever beyond the love of the thing. thank you.
Might make my own version abt this lol
you ever just need to reread your entire fic to be able to write the next chapter or is that just me
My writing abilities when I have an entire free day: twelve words. Take it or leave it
My writing abilities when I have to be somewhere in fifteen minutes: I got six thousand more in the pocket