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Daydreaming about BG3 and Dragon Age


This is a side blog in which I reblog stuff from BG3 and Dragon Age (and maybe other games I enjoy). I also post my own fanfiction. My main is twdeadfanfic. My AO3 is Daydreamingfanfiction. My Fanfics

My Fanfics: Solas, Lucanis, Alistair, Davrin

You can also find me in AO3 AS daydreamingfanfiction


  • Not like the tales: Canon divergence, Rook is already a grey warden when Davrin joins, and she's put in charge of his joining and his first weeks as a recruit and junior warden. Their relationship developes into more than just partner wardens, despite Rook's best efforts, since she knows that the life of a warden is a life of loss


  • A warden's journey: A retelling of Dragon Age Origins, focused on the relationship between Alistair and the warden (Elissa Cousland), starting in Ostagar. This is meant to be a medium/long slow-burn fic.


Lucanis x female Rook

  • Gingerwort truffle tea: Lucanis can't help but feel jealous when Davrin takes Rook out for a picnic. He's not expecting Rook to come back high on an odd tea. Fluff and mutual pining but specially Lucanis, who's wrestling with his feelings and with Spite.
  • Breakfast: Lucanis makes breakfast for Rook after they spend the night together once she's back from the Fade prison. Short and sweet with worrying, protective Lucanis, fluff, and emotional hurt/comfort.


Solas x (female) InquisitorLavellan

  • Together: Lavellan takes care of Solas once they leave, finally together, after the last battle. Hurt/Comfort and Fluff. 2300 words. Please be mindful of Spoilers if you haven't finished the game.
  • Rumors and Facts: +18 (Rated explicit) Lavellan is tired of the rumors that she hears around Skyhold regarding her relationship with Solas, and with all the gossip surounding her at the Winter Palace. It's nobody's busiess, and besides, she's done hiding. Chapers: 1 - 2- 3
  • Flowers: Inquisitor Lavellan hadn't expected Solas, the mage who made her heart flutter, to know how to paint frescos, much less the reason why he was doing it. Neither was she expecting that she'd try to sneak flowers into Solas' quarters, hoping to make Skyhold feel more like home...and maybe make him smile.
  • On her throne: : +18 Inquisitor Lavellan is stressed and worried about all the responsabilities that now fall on her shoulders. Luckily, Solas is there to help her feel better. (Or, Solas making out with Lavellan and going down on her while she's on her Skyhold throne).
  • At the Winter Palace: A short and fluffy one-shot about Solas' and Lavellan's night at the Winter Palace's ball. This is rated mature but

I'm halfway through the audiobook of Rebecca and the main character is so insecure, paranoid and self deprecating that she's honestly a mood 😅😅


It's ot the first time I use this tumblr that has nothing to do with it to complain about the people on the yoga membership I use that keep commenting on videos to only hate and complain (or complain in like, one of the hundreds videos you can find is not targeted specilly to someone like one), it drives me mad.

Anyway, I saw a woman had left not one but two comments in the same video listing all she hated about it and decided to check her profile. All her comments are hatng on videos and complaining about them.

Why the hell pay for a membership if you apparently hate everything on it.

"The worst kind of person is someone who makes you feel bad, dumb, or stupid for feeling excited about something." -Taylor Swift

I've been putting these thoughts together for a while now, but while there's discussion going on today about so-called 'toxic positivity' as well as some of the other Veilguard critical takes, I'm finally going to write it down.

I liked The Veilguard. A lot. And I'm not going to qualify that with some statement about the things that could have been done better or even about the development hell it went through. Because "I liked The Veilguard" is a complete sentence, and in fact maybe I'll start saying it more, just like that. (:

Something about me is that I like Taylor Swift (I'm making a point) and I have liked Taylor Swift since I was eleven. And for 90% of that time, people have laughed at me for it, or told me that she isn't even a good singer or that she dates too much or that her music is immature. My own sister brings up how much she hates Taylor Swift constantly without prompt. And guess what?

I don't care.

I Do Not Care.

That may be your opinion. And believe it or not, that's fine!

It is, however, very weird when I am asked my favorite artist and I say Taylor Swift and people feel compelled to tell me how much they hate her/her music/that she's not talented. And then I am expected to argue and somehow try to justify why I like her/what her music means to me/why i connect with it.

Spoiler Alert: it never ever matters what I say.

And it's actually fine if you don't like the same things I like!! What's weird is to come into a space where people are talking about how much they like The Thing and you feel compelled to tell them they're wrong!

And admittedly, it's a little funny to me that the same Veilguard critics who say that DATV is "too black & white" also can't seem to see that they're doing the very thing they're critiquing!! "I am good and smart for disliking this game and you are bad and stupid for liking it" is just a silly opinion to have on a video game and some of them say it with their whole chest.

So if you're a Veilguard critic and you're coming into the replies/reblogs of VG Positive posts just to talk about how we're stupid and wrong that's really odd!! And then, when we participate in the discourse you created, you call it 'toxic positivity'! It's almost like you're starting a fight you know we can't win because you're unwilling to change your opinion and you just want us to feel bad about ours!!! Which is, in my opinion, a strange way to spend your time.

In conclusion: You're weird for that, knock it off.


we need block appeal on this site i need to be able to argue my merit to people who hate me for one (1) thing i said so that i can reblog their good posts

me, kneeling before the person who blocked me: please, god king, ruler of these sacred lands, i do not even know your quarrel with me, but i humbly request the ability to reblog your joke posts once more

the person who blocked me: your takes on solavellan displeased me.

me: twas mere frustration! a criticism of those unhinged few, liege. i have no quarrel with the likes of you, and wish only to show fealty by reblogging your meta posts with the tag "scrumptious", or perhaps even "SOOOOOOO TRUE!"

the person who blocked me: alas, this is a sin that i cannot forgive you for. leave these lands and never return, for your ilk are not welcome here.

me: very well. then you understand i must reply to your slight in kind.

the person who blocked me: aye. such as it must be.

me, hitting the block button on the way out: may our paths never cross again, warmonger.

this is the funniest possible outcome of this post

Anonymous asked:

Rosemary for the rook flower ask game?

Look what have you done, anon, my longest comic ever!!! So many thanks, 'cause I had a lot of fun with this.

So! When I thought about this headcanon I made up a random summer festival or similar happening every decade where Dalish clans could meet, and then I checked up the lore and... GUYS, IT REALLY EXISTS!!!

From The World of Thedas vol 1: Most Dalish groups tend to keep to themselves. However, once every ten years, clans will congregate in a single, remote location to take part in Arlathvhen, an event meaning "for love of the people".

As some of you may know, my Rook is older than Davrin (about 8 years older), she's usually quite fine with it and made peace with the idea after an inital shock lol but well, sometimes the age difference just comes up again ;) I'm sure Davrin knows how to make her forget about it, though.



I have 260 posts in my queue right now...apologies if your post is there and the reblog comes in like a month or something 😅


I was once again thinking how there are no bathrooms at te Lighthouse (I just enjoy giving baths to my fictional husbands in my mind, I'm sorry), and then it got me thinking that I don't see I've ever seen a bathroom in any of the DA games 🤔 The closest thing would be Zara bathing in blood.


That Fade kiss will never not make me absolutely insane.

Like Solas gets the slightest taste of Lavellan and just absolutely fucking loses. it.

He snatches her hips and crushes her body to his while grinding her right up his thigh. He bends her over so far she has to cling to him to keep from tumbling, and he just devours her.

For a moment, he slams that accelerator all the way down and there are no breaks anywhere to be seen like god. damn. My girl is probably moments away from completion, and then...

...Wake up

The fucking nerve.

What a legend.


Today I’m thinking about how much I hate business travel, but I’m also thinking about the concept of toxic positivity in the DA fandom—especially regarding Veilguard.

First things first, I find it kinda fucked up to expect people who enjoy a game to start all their posts with some disclaimer that they acknowledge the game has flaws. It’s like there’s this unspoken rule that before you’re allowed to be excited about something, you have to preemptively apologize for it. I find that annoying both on a human level and on a game level. Obviously, every single game has flaws—every piece of media does. Nobody is out here demanding that people who love BG3 or Elden Ring start every post by declaring, “Just to be clear, this isn’t a perfect game.” So why does that standard apply here?

At the same time, I find it interesting that people talk about a supposed culture of toxic positivity in the fandom when you can just make a completely unhinged post about how Veilguard is an unredeemable disaster—without playing it, without playing any DA games —and get hundreds of notes. Are those ten people who actually enjoyed the game and write Tumblr posts about it really making others so uncomfortable that they feel the need to push this idea that there’s an oppressive wave of positivity? Or is it just easier to frame any enthusiasm as naive or delusional because it challenges the dominant narrative that Veilguard must be bad?

It’s like there’s this weird pressure to “correct” people for not being negative enough. And that kind of thinking doesn’t just affect how people talk about the game—it affects how they interact with each other. I’m not saying people can’t be disappointed, skeptical, or outright critical. But at what point does it stop being about the game itself and start being about controlling the way people are allowed to engage with it?

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