Even past all the mods, They’re still human beings.<3
Let’s go through the list, shall we?
- Stalking Cat was a computer programmer before he passed away earlier this year. He was Native American and trying to become closer to his totem animal. Through this, he helped pioneer all types of body modification and holds several Guinness Book Records.
- Erik Sprague, aka Lizard Man, was a former PhD candidate. He has a bachelor’s in philosophy and is a performance artist: both through international side shows and as a music festival host.
- Maria Jose Cristerna aka “La Mujer Vampiro” (Vampire Woman) is the mother of four children and a fuckin’ lawyer. She started her transformation after getting out of an abusive marriage, and has talked out against domestic violence.
- Rick Genest aka Rico The Zombie is a fucking international model, has more sponsorships than any of us could ever hope, and was featured in Lady Gaga’s Born This Way video. Not bad for a 27-year old former homeless punk, I’d say.
I’m willing to bet you haven’t accomplished nearly as much as any one of these people. They’re not only heavily tattooed, but they’re also impressive as all hell in the “employed” department. But don’t worry about it—feel free to keep trying to make yourself feel better about your average life, average body, and average accomplishments.
Successful, employed, intelligent, body mod legends.
get the fuck outta here
Somewhere out there right now - all unknowing, just going about their business - is someone who’s about to become the Doctor. - Steven Moffat
Lady of Orda Cave by Natalia Avseenko and Phototeam.PRO
Two-time world champion free diver Natalia Avseenko ventured deep into Ordynskaya Cave in Perm, Russia… one of the longest and biggest underwater gypsum caves in the world, dressed as the mythical Lady of the Cave, a spirit who protects divers inside the “natural cathedral”.
these are a little frightening, but so beautiful…
Earth seen by the GOES-14 weather satellite, May 22nd 2013.
“It is as beautiful as it is rare. A frost flower is created on autumn or early winter mornings when ice in extremely thin layers is pushed out from the stems of plants or occasionally wood. This extrusion creates wonderful patterns which curl and fold into gorgeous frozen petioles giving this phenomenon both its name and its appearance.”
Due to high sulfur levels, inhabitants of the Izu Islands had to wear gas masks to survive. What results? Some of the scariest wedding photos ever.
are you my husband?
Holy Fuck
This glass door changes opacity as you lock/unlock it (via)
thank you for this
i refuse
i always feel inclined to reblog this because it is literally the best hair flip in the history of hair flips
her dress changes color to that of your blog
this is lovely
she has a snowflake patterned dress this is great
Black hole consumes a star
Caliborn: Enter