New moon frequencies on high ~
in the depths of experiencing my saturn return full force. while my anxiety is constant and confusing, synchronicities are occurring more and more, signalling that i am headed in the right direction to come out stronger and more myself than ever before.
i went to bed with a messy but focused mind, and woke up to this beautifully written saturn return sentiment by a woman whos words speak volumes. reading these words soothed my soul. it does feels as though i am giving up a lot to become who i know i can be, but that is not the case at all. this illusion of who i am is false. my true self lies on the other side of transformation. i deserve my best self. i can feel it close, but i have so much work to do. i can’t resist what i know is true any longer.
my mantra as of late is to simply enjoy the process. i will arrive gently and fully.
Pre-orders for the next edition of SerpentFire Tarot are happening now!! ♥_♥
past present future portal
Queen of Swords on Flickr.
With Queen, we are reminded of how the essence of life is ongoing in a never-ending cycle of birth and death. There is a constant ebb and flow of all energy and the Queen seems to have her finger on the pulse of it.
Created for a 78 artist tarot deck being presenting this evening. Can’t wait!!
(via meggyface, zsoftandwarm)