Please - explain the "gnu terry pratchett" tag you use?
Sure! It's from his Discworld novels (Going Postal). It's the in-universe version of "no one's truly dead as long as their name is still spoken".
The Discworld has a semaphore communications system and the operators use lettered prefix codes on certain messages to indicate whether they're for admin/system use in the semaphore towers rather than for delivery.
Adding GNU to a message means it should get passed on to the next tower in the line (G), processed without logging (N), then turned around at the end of the line and sent back the other way (U). So once started, the message is always kept moving through the air, tower to tower - always remembered, kept alive. The signallers, who've somewhat mythologised aspects of their jobs, start doing GNU for the names of their fallen comrades. They call it 'sending home'.
GNU Terry Pratchett. An in-joke and an in memoriam, cuz we miss and remember him.