Things have been crazy busy, so I’m behind with putting up a whole bunch of things I made while in Japan, but I’ll be posting them gradually as I catch up. Here are two bed logs from when I was in Kanazawa: nice mixed dorm in one, and a very kind free upgrade to a private room in another T v T
Bed log: a couple of last minute nights in one of many small box-beds in a big room in Tokyo
Back in Kyoto bed logs: two pretty great last minute hostels with G and Y
Bed log: all conked out after almost 2 days/nights of no sleep in the only available room in Nara at an hour or so's notice.
Strange bed log entries: both in the same hostel in Aso, neither of my actual bed. I was in Kyushu during the recent earthquakes there, the second large one very close by. They were horrible but we were lucky. Thanks again G and Y for making that long night a little easier!
Bed log: futons on a tatami floor room, with friends in a ryokan in Kurokawa Onsen ✨
I’ve been on the move a lot these past few weeks, & have been keeping a drawn log of the beds I’ve been sleeping in at the places I’ve stayed at. Here are the first few!