Do not obey in advance, but do not obey at all! "until there are legally enacted rules..." EVEN THEN! Do you think when crossdressing laws were on the books everyone agreed to stop doing it until it was fought in court? when sodomy laws were on the books do you think everyone stopped having sex with their partners until it was fought in court? For everyone who lived in a state a mere 10 years ago who could not legally marry their partners, do you think they accepted that or married elsewhere, protested publicly, and held secret ceremonies anyway?
People love to invoke Stonewall for their #Resistance stance but do you realize that the laws were broken before the first brick/bottle/rock/shoe was even thrown? That cops raided bars because of how people dressed, who they were cozied up to, what they looked like. Our peers and elders have been brutalized by cops for wearing ties or heels and our peers and elders have been brutalized for where they piss.
Do not comply at all with unjust law! Never!
Do not relent to unjust laws! Do not simply resist when there is a loophole--fight like hell when the law is clear and precise and you know that the law is wrong.
Much of the worst atrocity committed in this country and by this country was "legal" -- that doesn't mean shit. Protect each other, run cover for each other, and do not yield to the law when the Law of the Land says your existence is illegal.