#advice – @bearfoottruck on Tumblr

The home of chicken & waffles & whatever.

@bearfoottruck /

Welcome to my tumblr page! Here, you will find random stuff, some of which may surprise you!

Anyways, enough political stuff for tonight. As you saw in this post, I finished writing a novel, and a good friend of mine said I could post it to Fictionpress and AO3 for people to get a sneak peek, and then delete it once it gets officially published. Should I do this? It's gotten quite a few revisions since I first finished writing it.


Anyways, moving on from hatred, I could use some advice: I've had three jobs in the past nine years, and all three of them pissed me off because at some point or another, management will treat me like a criminal because they don't understand autism. The boss at my last job claimed to work with people with autism, but I thought he was either A. Lying, or B. Really sucky at his job. I graduated college with a Bachelor's degree, but that ultimately turned out to be useless because I've never been able to get a job in my desired field no matter how hard I've tried.

So, here's what I need advice on: what's the best way to get money legally without A. Working a shitty 9 to 5 job like most people, B. Going back to college and taking on more student debt in hopes of getting a better career, or C. Publishing a novel/releasing an album/otherwise trying to live off my creative talents?


Hey, I could use some more advice. So, as some of you know, I have autism, generalized anxiety disorder and anger issues. Physically, I am capable of working and holding down a job, but emotionally, it seems like at every job I've ever worked at, no matter how hard I try, work never works for various reasons, and it's making me feel depressed because I feel like I don't fit in with the traditional American workforce, so I'm greatly considering finding alternative sources of income. One of my best friends tells me I'll barely get enough to survive if I go on disability payments, so I'm thinking of starting a podcast and selling some of my art. If anyone has any other practical ways of making a decent living without having to do a traditional 9 to 5, I'm all ears.


Hey, it's that time when I could use some more advice: I hate my current job, but no matter how many other jobs I try to apply to, I always get turned down no matter how qualified I may be, and I'm so sick of everything. I feel like my only ways out of this hole are 1. Finish the novel I'm working on, get it published and live off the royalties from that, or 2. Sue the company I'm working for and live off the payout from the lawsuit. Believe me, if you knew even half of what I went through for the three years I've been employed there, you too would agree that I have a solid case.

Lawsuits aside, I feel like I'm at the end of my rope, and I don't know what else to do.


So, it's that time again when I ask for advice: anybody got any more ideas on how to make friends besides going to concerts, fan conventions or stuff that costs loads of money to buy tickets for? I mean, not that I don't have enough friends, but the thing is, my current job - which I may or may not leave soon - is completely fucked when it comes to making friends because at least 90% of coworkers speak a different language and have a different culture, so I generally feel lonely and depressed when I'm there.


Hey, I could use some legal advice here: So, I'm considering suing the company I work for because 1. They haven't done enough to accommodate my disabilities and mental health issues, 2. One of my supervisors is discriminating against me because I'm White (albeit with some Native American blood), and 3. Another supervisor of mine lied to me about something that was promised to me in an HR meeting, claiming that nobody ever said it to me. I want to know 1. How can I maximize my chances of winning the suit, and 2. Should I ask for as much money as possible or what? I mean, I don't know what's behind asking for monetary damages, and this is my first time suing someone/


Hey everybody, I could use some more advice: So, as some of you know, I struggle with anger issues. It's actually gotten so bad on occasion that I've been called into the office and talked to about it. Recently, as per a post I've reblogged, I've been buying packs of pencils so I can break them whenever I feel angry. It seems to help, but even that only does so much. I'm scared that I'll get arrested or even end up dead because of my anger issues, and I'm genuinely considering taking anger management classes. Anybody got any other ideas for helping tame my anger issues?


So, as some of you may know, I don't usually discuss my personal issues here, but this has really been eating at me, and I'm looking for advice.

At the job I work at - which I've been at for a little over two years - I'm one of the few employees who speaks English as a first language. Now, I'm welcoming towards everybody regardless of ethnicity, gender identity, orientation, religion or anything like that. However, I find that many of my coworkers are rude, which has not only saddened and hurt me, but caused me to feel lonely and isolated. Usually, I would talk to my friends or go to Meetup groups to cope. However, in the past year, three of my best friends have moved away, and even with my current set of friends, I can't shake the feelings of loneliness and isolation. Last Saturday night, after a Meetup I was supposed to go to got cancelled, these feelings got so bad that I went home feeling like I wanted to cry.

I called up a company-appointed chaplain and explained my woes to her. She gave me an article on loneliness, which seemed to help somewhat, but I'm still afraid of having another emotional attack like I had last Saturday night.


Hey, if any of you are listening out there, I could use some advice. So, in real life, I run a support group for people with anxiety and/or depression, but I also cater to people with related mental health issues. Tonight, I got a text from one of my members - a long time member, I should add - telling me that he was quitting because something I did caused him to have a bad flashback to something his brother used to do to him. Problem is, I don't remember doing anything like that to him, and it's giving me anxiety trying to recall what I might have done. I mean, having autism, there are times when I unintentionally say or do things that upset people, but really, I try to be a very kind, very selfless person, and it truly saddens me when people take issue with my words or actions when that wasn't the intent. Should I try to reach out to this guy or should I leave him be and let things cool off?


Hey um...Tumblr, if you can hear me, I’m taking a little break from posting cool stuff because I REALLY need help right now. See, this morning, I got a message from one of my online friends saying that she was ending our friendship, claiming that the friendship was too triggering for her. I feel really bad because I feel like something I’d done recently was responsible for it, and I’m usually careful about that sort of thing. So basically, I’m looking for advice on how to cope with the loss of a friend. Unfortunately, Internet searches tend to assume I’m looking for advice on how to deal with a friend’s death, which isn’t the case here. I just hope that somebody gets this and is kind enough to help me out because really, in the midst of a horrible pandemic, police brutality protests and election uncertainty, losing a friend is quite possibly the LAST thing I need today.

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