@bbcwhereareyou on Tumblr


@bbcwhereareyou /

Were trying to live in a society here, so like, can you not? TV is serious business.You should probably always look for the tag vomit.

For what it's worth, I know it's A Lot right now, and I tag all of my political posts if you want to add it to your blacklist. The usual suspects are:

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Tech bros who think digital is forever and that uploading your consciousness to a computer is immortality crack me up. Like bro, you'd be "immortal" on the computer for like a year until your own company sends out some software update that makes you incompatible and whoops, there goes TechBro.soul into the great Recycling Bin in the sky


I'm not going to do an embed link for this article because I don't want to have to see his face, but oh my god Elon Musk had yet another child???

Who keeps having sex with this man?!??!?! Lysistrata this bitch until he leaves us all the fuck alone.

Also, bless you if you're interested in birthing two babies twelve months apart (the mother of this latest baby also had another Musk child in Feb 2024) but that could not ever be me, woof.

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