The moon has a little sister!!!!!😭😭😭
I just skimmed the article, here’s what’s cool:
The minimoon is about 2 meters in diameter. It’s like the size of your couch.
If it were headed towards us it would burn up in the atmosphere. It is not headed towards us.
The short name is CD3.
They had to do extensive test to make sure that this was actually a mini Moon and not a man-made object being mistaken for a minimoon, Again. This has happened before. They are sure this time.
It’s already leaving. We captured it for about 2.9 years in orbit and it is on its way out.
Generally a minimoon is captured for only nine months so this is astonishing.
It spins a hell of a lot slower than what minimoons usually do.
The last time we had a mini moon was about 14 years ago, 2006.
I didn’t know we had a mini moon but I wish it a safe voyage through the stars.
Oh my god who invited Moon Moon