My favorite thing about Cheddar the dog is that either Holt or Kevin named him Cheddar and I honestly don’t know which option is funnier.
third, equally funny option: his name was already cheddar when they adopted him. both of them think it’s an absurd goddamn name but neither of them know you can just change an animal’s name if you don’t like it. no one ever told them and they’re both much too proper to even conceptualize this notion on their own. the dog was named cheddar and that’s very unfortunate but cheddar he will remain.
Better theory.
Holt adopted Cheddar and he was renamed Cheddar and given to Kevin to keep Kevin company when Holt is late at his job and it was to symbolize the Croque Monsieur they shared together. Because we're lying if we don't think Cheddar looks like an animated adorable French grilled ham and cheese sandwich that just fills you with the warmest fuzzies.