look guys. if you want to use ‘queer’ for yourselves, that’s obviously your right as a human being.
however, coming from someone who has LITERALLY WENT TO ACADEMIA TO STUDY WORDS AND WORD HISTORY, and has lived in a perpetually-stuck-in-western-european-1200s province for 12 years (and has visited said province annually all my life), know that ‘queer’ is in fact a slur.
I’m not talking about the same level of using ‘oh that’s gay’ as an insult. Why? bECAUSE ‘GAY’ HAS ITS ROOTS IN A POSITIVE WORD, a word meaning joyous, happy, elated. ‘Queer’ means ‘obscene’, ‘disgusting’, ‘unwanted’, ‘abomination’, ‘other’. It is literally still used today in newfoundland and other parts of the world in this context. To use ‘queer’ as a word associated with the LGBT+ community is to make it a slur. A slur along the lines of ‘faggot’, which ALSO has a disgustingly negative history (even more so sadly).
Do not fucking pretend you can erase reality and rewrite it in your stubborn obtuse ignorant image. That’s not how history and word baggage works. That’s not how language works. You cannot ever fully reclaim a word with such negative history, no matter how much bending-over-backwards fingers-in-your-ears rewriting you try and pass off as fact.
If you want to unfollow or block me because of this, go the fuck ahead. This pansexual aromantic possibly-non-binary woman (which would qualify me as using ‘queer’ for my own identity wouldn’t it?) is right, and sick to death of revisionist history.