hey can you do me a favor and start that project that you wanted to work on please I am begging you to do the first step
literally only the first step
you only have to do the first step
like if it's an art project open your art software or gather materials
If it requires reaching out to someone just send that email or whatever
If it's writing please make an outline
etc etc you know what the project is please start it please PLEASE
Ask yourself why you were never taught this in school.
Although there were planes used against the miners in the Battle of Blair Mountain, it is not true that this was the first time planes were used to drop bombs on American soil against Americans.
The Battle of Blair Mountain took place in August and September of 1921. Just a few months prior to that, on May 31 and June 1, planes were also used to help destroy the Greenwood district of Tulsa, Oklahoma, a prosperous black neighborhood nicknamed The Black Wall Street. At least 39 people died during the event, which is known as the Tulsa Race Massacre. Hundreds were wounded, and 6,000 black people lost their homes.
Both of these events were hugely important moments in American history.
Ask yourself why neither was taught to you in school. Also ask your local school board.
here, have an extremely wholesome tiktok to detox your dash
they'll speak of me in whispered tones and say my name like it shakes their bones
@unionizedwizard's WoL V'Rhym Tia aka the Good Vibes Cat who wormed his way into my heart with his charm and affability.
Okay- but this is leaving out the fact that Jeff Fowler literally hand delivered a 24k gold leaf embossed copy of the script to Carrey that's worth at least $100,000, because of that gold ink script comment.
Did you actually deliver him a script with gold ink? (Two years ago, Carrey quipped that his return would require the angelic delivery of a script that’s written in gold ink.) I did, and it’s now worth about a hundred thousand dollars, so, hopefully, Jim has got it locked up somewhere.
happy tdov my loves. don't let anyone else define your transness for you.
[begin id: a comic that goes as follows: first page is a side profile close up of a person's face. They have long hair and glasses, as well as an average sized nose. Their bangs obstruct their eyes. The text reads "I'm nonbinary. I'm pretty open about it. Nobody really believes me, though." second page is a drawing of the person of before. Its a simple drawing of their body. They're a fat person. There is text pointing to their figure, all four of them together read "Tig ol bitties, long, lucious locks, child-bearing hips, pear-shaped figure." and the other text reads: "I have a "woman's" body. I'm not a skinny, androgynous waif, so people have decided that I'm a woman." third page is a drawing of the same person, at mid-waist level. it obstructs their eyes. They're wearing a black binder, have two tattoos on their shoulders, and are smiling. The text reads "I'm (underlined) not (end underlined) a woman. But my fatness, and also centuries of concerted effort to eliminate trans people, means I don't get to be nonbinary." fourth page is a lineup of silhouettes of different trans people. They're a taller skinnier person with a bob, a fat person with short hair, a person in a wheelchair with short hair, and a parent holding their child's hand. The text reads "I know there's more than one way to be trans. I'm getting tired of waiting for the rest of you to catch up." fifth page is a small map of the world, shown on a cut-in-half globe. there are flags stapled all around it. The text reads "trans people have existed in every culture, every body type, every class, every profession, and every society since human beings started creating societies. We don't all present the same." sixth page is a drawing of the transgender flag. The text reads "Your trans body is good, beautiful, incredible, valued, healthy, handsome, miraculous, valid, cherished, righteous, no matter how "well" you pass. Happy trans day of visibility. I love you." /end id]
A new friend is on my back porch
Good for her. One of the only people showing real leadership.
Yuna & Tidus + hands 💜
my cat still doesn't get that we have different definitions of 'acceptable breakfast time'
This year congress has the chance to do the funniest thing in the world on March 15th 👀 🔪 ??
It's important to know what is going on.
Written by US Senator Chris Murphy (D - CT)
Report from the Senate Floor:
Last night in the Senate, something really important happened. Republicans forced us to debate their billionaire bailout budget framework. We started voting at 6 PM because they knew doing it in the dark of night would minimize media coverage. And they do not want the American people to see how blatant their handover of our government to the billionaire class is.
So I want to explain what happened last night and what we did to fight back. The apex of Republicans’ plan to turn over our government to their wealthy cronies is a giant tax cut for billionaires and corporations. And they plan to pay for it with cuts to programs that working people rely on. Popular and necessary programs like Medicaid, Medicare, and SNAP, are all being targeted.
In order to pass the tax cut, Republicans have to go through a series of procedural steps. Last night, they took the first step which requires them to pass an outline of their plan, but with it, any senator can offer as many amendments as we want. So my Democratic colleagues and I did just that.
Now, we knew that Republicans would largely unanimously oppose them, but we had two objectives here. One, Republicans were forced to put their opinion on record — many for the first time — on the most corrupt parts of Trump and Musk’s agenda. Two, as I’ve been saying, I am going to make every process and procedure as slow and painful as possible for as long as my colleagues choose to ignore the constitutional crisis happening before our eyes.
So what did we propose? We proposed no tax cuts for anyone who makes a billion dollars a year. We made them vote on whether or not Elon Musk and DOGE should have limitless access to Americans’ personal data. We made them vote on whether to protect IVF and require insurers to cover it. Every single amendment Democrats proposed was shot down. On almost every single amendment, Republicans universally opposed it. Every Republican voted against our proposal to prevent more tax cuts for billionaires. The corruption and theft is happening in the open here.
The whole game for Republicans is taking your money and giving it to the wealthiest corporations and billionaires — even if it means kicking your parents out of a nursing home or turning off Medicaid for the poorest children. They know what they are doing is deeply unpopular. They are offering a tax cut to the most wealthy that is 850 times larger than what they are offering working people. Oh and by the way, any tax cuts for working people are going to be washed out by higher costs for basic necessities, like health care and food. It’s a fundamental injustice.
Thanks to your pressure and support, many of my Democratic colleagues have joined my effort to do everything we can to make sure they cannot destroy democracy and steal your money in the dark of the night. We are being loud about what is happening. I’m going to continue to grind the gears of Congress down as much as possible to make it that much harder and slower to get away with this corruption. That’s why the votes lasted until nearly 5 AM.
This is a five-alarm fire. I don’t think we have two years to plan and fight back. I think we have months. It’s still in our power to stop the destruction of our democracy with mass mobilization and effective opposition from elected officials. So we can’t miss any opportunity to take advantage of opportunities to put Republicans on the record and shine a light on what is happening.
And you have a role to play in this as well. I need you to amplify what’s happening, support the leaders who are fighting for you to make sure they can continue speaking truth to power against Musk and Trump’s billionaire cronies, and show up at rallies and town halls. Use every tool at your disposal to send a message loud and clear about how you expect my colleagues to lead and fight in this moment.
Every best wish,
US Senator Chris Murphy (D - CT)
GOOD! More of this please! Call him and say you approve and if you have Democratic reps, call them and ask for more of this sort of thing! Make everything as slow and painful and difficult as possible for Fascists. Even slowing them down is a victory because it buys time. Keep up the pressure. It’s working!
If you have Republican reps, call THEM and ask why the hell and fuck are they voting AGAINST the American people like this. The Dems are fighting tooth and nail; don't dismiss Republican responsibility here.
Controversial opinion: If they're not going to turn out to town halls, you need to turn out to their homes and offices.
It's called "escrache", and the Argentinians invented it: you just organise demonstrations, noisy ones, lengthy ones, in front of the private residences of politicians.
Remember, these people work for YOU. When they start calling themselves kings or whatever, they are stealing YOUR power.
Remember also, forced-pregnancy advocates like Operation Rescue not only protested and picketed in front of Planned Parenthood and women's health clinics that provider abortion services, they also protested and picketed outside doctors' actual homes.
Seriously, use their own techniques against them.
the most annoying stage of burnout is when i want to write, and i have the urge to write, and somewhere in my skull are the words that want to be written, but they have to get through the cursed minotaur maze first and nobody remembered to bring string
I’m turning into a cartoon wolf and making train whistle noises