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@bakedspoonie /

Disabled Queer
Reporting Live From My Bed
29 She/Her

Not to call you out specifically (I've seen a few comments/tags along these lines today), but I don't want anyone getting their hopes up for something like that. 1000% no.

1) This is a design by a guest artist so it's not mine to do anything and everything with, we only have an agreement for it to be printed on this skirt and the other version on joggers.

2) If it were printed as yardage you couldn't make a skirt that looks like this anyway. It's sublimation printed so we can have it follow the curve of the hem of the skirt. Printed as a repeating straight across pattern on yardage you'd end up with a very different looking final skirt, like the cathedral would be high in the middle and very low on the sides. Idk if this is even gonna make sense to anyone but I figured I'd explain it because it's a major reason we can't have designs that look the way they do without using sublimation printing (which, side note, requires the fabric to be synthetic)

Yeah! The templates/printing is done exactly to the shape of the skirt pieces (which also means I have to make a separate template for every size of a design), which is a huge bonus of sublimation printing vs having bolts of fabric made. Example templates to give you all an idea of what I mean, if you haven't seen them before:


Me: “The food webs we try to teach children and the public are too simple to get the point across. Why do they never bother to show the more intricate relationships between specific species? It can’t be that hard to represent with basic teaching tools... I’ll make the thing!”

The thing:

Me: “....I get it now.”

I have now had several teachers ask me if they can use this image in a class presentation. 


So I reblogged that “vaccines cause adults” post from @copperbadge and predictably my inbox has gone to shit with a handful of people asking me how I can “trust” vaccines and if you’re looking for me validate your fear mongering over vaccines causing autism, I’m afraid you’re in the wrong place.

I’m the bitch that has anaphylactic reactions to vaccines due to my mast cell disorder and still turn up for my Covid booster shots with my epi pen in one hand and a fistful of Benadryl in the other.

I had reactions to all my MMR boosters and every other booster I’ve ever needed and I still show up because I look at the choices and I prefer the risk of potential immediate death over potentially getting shit like measles and spreading it to the wider community.

The only one I don’t get is the flu shot because the speed at which I react is terrifying and it’s in my file that I’m not allowed it anymore. Doctors made that decision for me, I didn’t.

My MCAS might make me a crunchy hippy dippy bitch against my will, but I’m a science based crunchy hippy dippy bitch and vaccines do not cause autism.

Measles will fucking kill your kid though.


my favorite coworker told me the scenario she thinks of to fall asleep is she stumbles upon a baby sheep and has to raise it and it grows up and she has to shear it and she says she envisions shearing it so carefully that she always falls asleep at that part

[Image ID: Tumblr tag reading: #rather than counting sheep she makes that one sheep count /End ID]


re: this post but also slightly off topic, this is also why the SOGIESC (sexual orientation, gender identity & expression, and sexual characteristics) framework developed in the Global South as a legal framework to deal with sexual minority rights, stands in some ways in direct opposition to the LGBTQ+ framework of the West, which asserts that rights for minority groups flow from identity/inclusion within the minority group, forcing the obvious question of how the law determines identity (this is part of how transmedicalism emerges as an answer to the question “who is really transgender?” and also likely informs community fights over who ‘really counts’ as lgbtq). the framework of SOGIESC gets around this problem by resolving it entirely, instead insisting that because everyone has a gender identity and sexual orientation, everyone has a right to their given gender identity and sexual orientation, and any obstacle to realising these rights must be challenged and dismantled. empirically this bears out as well, given that global south countries, especially in Latin America, have some of the most progressive legislation on trans rights worldwide, with Argentina being the first country in the world to allow for legal gender transition without requiring medical documentation or proof of medical transition. We can see how different theories of state and legal power between LGBTQ+ vs SOGIESC emerge: a series of legal concessions granted to a narrowly-defined minority by a hegemonic, cis-heterosexual majority (LGBTQ+), versus the universal vision of sexual minorities whose rights are the rights of all people (SOGIESC).

and like obviously this is not a solution without problems (the +ESC was only added ten years after the original conception of SOGI, for example, an obvious oversight that was corrected - we may never escape the acronym wars), and as a framework that is fundamentally legal in both scope and design there is the obvious question of how law fits into a truly just socialist society (a historical and ongoing debate within various socialist states that I know much less about; I’m also thinking about the ‘mission drift’ and mangling that ‘intersectionality’ has dealt with over the years, also a concept that comes out of legal scholarship). but as an international legal standard it seems like an obvious critical response to the various problems of the LGBTQ+ framework, especially re: how the law determines who “actually counts” as gay trans queer etc


Not even joking, the whole "you can't identify as a woman because you can't identify into oppression/you're identifying as the thing I was born with into oppression." or whatever feels so fucking misogynistic to me. Why are we reducing womanhood solely to oppression? To rape? To beatings? Is there not more to womanhood? Why do I always see TERFs say this shit. It's so fucking misogynistic to me. There is more to womanhood than oppression. There is more to womanhood than being a perpetual victim.

Then again I see a lot of extremely misogynistic shit from TERFs. I could go on for days.


I've heard this take a thousand times, and it's never any less true !! /pos


oh another fun buddhism thing, bugs are in a kind of purgatory, where it's very difficult to accrue enough karma to reincarnate out of the bug realm, so when you see a bug you're supposed to say a prayer for it to help it gain karma. also, i say a lot of prayers for my cats, because they are so selfish and badly behaved that i'm almost certain they're going to be reincarnated as dust mites or something.


My husband’s job primarily employs adult men but there is one (1) teenage girl and my husband said originally he worried she might be a bit of an outcast but instead every man on the crew was like “huh guess I am a dad/older brother now.”

She was in a car crash on the way to work one morning and called my husband to let him know she’d be late and he was like wtf guess I’m gonna be late too because I’m coming to pick you up and then he told his team and they were like I think you mean WE are coming.

Imagine you are a teenage girl probably rushing to get to work and you crash your probably new car and feel absolutely miserable and now you’ll be late to work but then suddenly in the distance a car full of all the adult men you work with just pulls up and is like “we came all the way here to pick you up” the mental image right now is fr.

Apparently she tried to call her dad but it was 3am and he was obviously sleeping so she called my husband and he not only came to find her but fished her glasses out of the hood of the car (she’d dropped them while looking inside), drove her to the hospital, and told her to take the day off. She insisted on coming back to work so he used his lunch break to watch TV with her to make sure she didn’t doze off (concussion risk).

You’ve heard of the Mom friend but my husband is very much the Dad friend. He said when he answered the phone she said “hey please don’t be mad” and he’s never felt such powerful Fatherhood energy in his life.

Girl: *calls for aid*

Every single dad packed into the car:

This is possibly my favorite response to this post

This girls father: Thanks for helping my daughter out guys

Your husband and all his coworkers:

The "fuck everyone and fuck helping the needy and vulnerable and actually fuck caring about other people" mindset is not natural to us as a species no matter what people say to justify their own callousness and apathy.

When I said “empathy is good actually,” the thing I meant was “I’m pretty sure we’re designed to do stuff like this.”


I have a friend who has one biological and one adopted son and I found out he likes to tell people “my firstborn is six and my other child is eleven” which is hilarious.

Macbeth gets told he can only be defeated by the elder brother of a firstborn son.


ok kind of weird that people are acting that us permanent residents have never been disappeared for terrorism reasons what do you guys think gitmo was

Because every crackkker in the U.S. happens to have convenient selective memory loss about the bipartisan-led American imperial expansion project "The War On Terror".

I just want to point out how convenient it is that Americans remember 9/11 but not the genocidal wars on Iraq and Afghanistan, or how the infernal NSA surveillance regime started by targetting Muslims and Arabs in the U.S. first before being expanded to everyone, or even the no-fly list that was exposed within the last few years containing the names of countless Muslims, even toddlers. Guantanamo is looong gone down the drain for these insolent crackkkers.


she's singing in another room and my dog is asleep at my feet. my grandma asked me why i haven't found a man yet and i laughed. oh, you know. i like my house clean.

my girlfriend is also my man is also "my partner" if i'm in a professional setting. yesterday we went to a ren faire and a man mimed at me - you're together? and at my delighted nod, his baffled, you're gay? made me laugh. a woman with rainbow hair said i love the two of you together. you're both so beautiful it's absurd.

my dad introduced my partner as my "..... friend. or whatever" the other day. he knows we're dating. in the same way, i was never able to get my sister's husband to stop saying that's gay like it's 2008. he still uses the word fa***t, and my sister's defense of him has always been well, he's just kidding.

my lover and i dance to old music in a tiny kitchen. we judge new music together and take food critique very seriously. we watch love is blind before we fall asleep and agree that if they had a queer season, it would be bloody but also make for excellent tv. of fucking course queer people would meet someone for 2 weeks and agree to get married. what are you saying.

at a bar with friends, a man puts his hand on my wrist. got a boyfriend? and yes, i do have a boyfriend, she's amazing. i am texting her while i wander around a gas station named after geese. i am visiting a swing state for a wedding. in the candy aisle i overhear: she's actually like a lesbian it's disgusting. two teenage girls with packaged sandwiches in their hands, giggling. no literally, like. i'm not, like. okay with her being there while we're all, like, naked and changing.

my girlfriend and i tailgate, drink gin and cider out of cups. from the frat group beside us, a man corrects himself with one of his friends: bro, i mean, nonbinary entity, and it makes everyone around him laugh, myself included. he razzes his friend the same way i would have killed for at 19 years old - like nothing happened, he continues: you apply sunscreen like an alien. he does a little sassy (and fairly accurate) dance interpretation of the motion. his friend is laughing so hard they're crying.

i am lucky, i live in a safe neighborhood in a safe state. my masc passenger princess comes up from DC. i drive her for an hour to where all the leaves are a violent arrangement of color. we walk along the trails, letting autumn into our blood. in this part of the state, there's a lot of pickup trucks and trump signs. when we chastely kiss before getting into the car, i accidentally make eye contact with a woman holding her child's wrist. she looks disgusted. she looks fucking pissed.

two hours later my girl and i are eating dinner on a patio, soaking in the last warmth of new england sun before the chill of winter sets in. we are giggling and trying to talk through plastic vampire teeth. at another table, i see a young woman sit up straighter. i watch her watch us. she blushes and takes her partner's hand from across the table. shy, like the taste of evening has just become something deeper.

it's worth it for this moment, i think. my lover is still humming the same song she's been singing for four days straight and i don't want to kill her for it. her guitar is beside my bed. her toothbrush is in my bathroom. in a few moments i will make us lunch. we are lucky enough to have found each other. it is lucky enough to be in love.


[Image ID: Tweet from i n n e s (@/ innesmck) reading: broadly i think you can categorise all cats into cats that think they are people, cats that know they are cats, and cats that will never know a single thing their entire lives /End ID]

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