Cayde:"Hey,the next time you anger some hideous cosmic monster,see if you can make it a smaller one."
Me:"I'll do my best,Cayde." 😏
A few years later:
Cayde:"Hey,the next time you anger some hideous cosmic monster,see if you can make it a smaller one."
Me:"I'll do my best,Cayde." 😏
A few years later:
Me:"It's late. We should probably get off and go to sleep."
Friend:"Yeah. Probably."
Me:"I'm getting tired."
Friend:"Yeah,me too."
I took us to go fight Oryx for the fun of it because I wholeheartedly believe in ending gaming sessions with one last hurrah.
Friend:" 'We should go to sleep' takes us to slay a hive god.' " 😂
Me:"It'll be a quick in and out trip." (It was. We wrecked him SO fast.)