It feels so so good when you beat Japanese Players with really good teams and high points in rated triple battles :') I just wanna say THANK YOU SO MUCH Porygon2, YOU NEVER DISSAPOINT ME and that's why I think you're one of the best normal types ever!
A+ for the Dual Screens Klefki, you're very helpful.
Anyways, here's the code: APJW-WWWW-WWW6-CXNP
My brain was going to explode trying to figure out a different strategy since two of his Pokémon had intimidate as ability and all my Pokémon are physicall attackers except Porygon2 and since I didn't have a chance to make the startegy I always use, I had to do something different but succesful :)
MY TEAM: Klefki, Porygon2, Klefable, Talonflame, Garchomp, Excadrill.
OPPONENT'S: Rotom-W, Tyranitar, Charizard Y, Hitmontop, Landorus, Gardevoir.
I love Pory2.