@averygaefroug on Tumblr

Frog? Gay. Me? Gay.



I really don't understand how "without getting kudos or comments a fanfiction author is going to assume that people who clicked their fic didn't like it" became a controversial take.

I don't know why some people think an author should imagine, or guess that people who click their fic enjoyed it it when nobody is telling them that.

If you're re-reading a fic constantly, or leaving it up in your tab so that it re-loads every day for a hundred days the author is not going to know that unless you tell them. They'd love to hear it. It would make their day.

And if you don't tell them you liked their fic, there's no reason for them to assume you did.

Me shows someone art I made: “what do you think?”

them: *looks at art and back to me* “I acknowledge this exists”



Just finished season 1 (well technically season 9 but y’know what I mean) of Dr Who, and thank you Captain Jack for representing bisexual theatre kids through time and space 🫡


“the arts and sciences are completely separate fields that should be pitted against each other” the overlap of the arts and sciences make up our entire perceivable reality they r fucking on the couch

Art vs STEM is a lie created to stop us from turning on the real enemy: business and economics

Arts vs STEM is a lie, the computer that put us on the moon was a loom of woven wires, our space suits were made by hand sewing, we need chemistry to mix paint and we need biology to raise the sheep who make the wool we spin into yarn and crochet or knit or weave and the world is beautiful

Reblogging as a science enthusiast and an artist

I got yelled at by a Boomer astronaut (old white dude of course) because I gave a speech about rewriting STEM to STEAM, to include art.

He was so mad, and so wrong, that I just listened to him until he was done.

Then I said, "Well, some of the art I made inspired a scientist who stuck the landing on Mars, so."

I know you're thinking "and then everybody clapped" but it really happened. I just pulled the line from my speech, since it was on my mind.

To his credit, he tried to walk it back. He tried to say that arts and sciences are equally important but separate. While I furiously disagree with that, I let it go, because we both knew I was right.

THAT is when everybody clapped.

Y’all should've seen my old junior high. They turned stem into SHTEAM

Science, history, Technology, English, Art and Math, I swear there were more letters, but I cant remember what they were


A group of far-future linguists and archeologists suddenly *poof* into existence in front of me. One is holding a tablet. "What is the difference between 'red sauce' and 'tomato sauce?'" they ask me. "The distinction is not clear in extant texts from this time and place."

"Uh, they're the same thing," I tell them. "Who are you?"

"Yes!" the being with the tablet exclaims.

One of the other researchers groans. "No! My thesis...months of writing wasted..." One of the others comforts them.

"Now, what is this object for?" The first researcher holds up a discolored, dinged-up plastic object. It's clearly been buried in the ground for quite some time, but the two holes and the scuffed plastic window are distinctive.

"That's a cassette tape. You record music with it."

"Interesting, interesting." The being enters something on the tablet.

"How are you speaking English?"

"Sophisticated translation technology," one of the researchers confides. "We are students of your society. From the future."

"What does this pictogram represent?" The researcher with the tablet turns it around so that the screen faces me.

It's the eggplant emoji.

"Sex," I say. "Why do you need to ask me this if you can time travel or whatever? Can't you just go wherever you want to go and look around and see how these things are being used?"

The beings shift guiltily and look at each other. "Technically, travel to times and places prior the advent of time travel is strictly prohibited. Paradoxes, you know."


"We must be get back before our advisor returns to the lab. Just don't tell anyone you saw us, alright? The space-time continuity depends on it. Can you do that?"

"Uh, sure, I guess?"

One of them pats me on the head. "And don't go to Mars."

"Okay. Wait, why? Is it dangerous?"

"No. Just not worth it."

The group disappears in a shimmering light.

The cassette clatters to the sidewalk behind them.

Out of befuddlement, mainly, I pick it up. It's clearly old, discolored and scuffed, but it still has tape in it.

I carry the tape around in my pocket for a while. The curiosity builds. I want to know what's on that tape. I don't have a cassette player anymore, so I go to Goodwill and pick up the first one I can find, praying that it still works. I plug it in. It turns on.

I slide the tape inside. It's dirty, but it still seems to be in decent shape. I snap the player closed and hit play. The wheels begin to turn. I hold my breath.

A familiar tune starts up. A wobbly voice comes out of the machine.

We're no strangers to love


Need an honest opinion here.

What do you think about a good omens AU where Crowley is a super clever detective and Azi is a divorced father? Also everyone is traumatised. Crowley had a husband and a daughter. The work is inspired by 2000’s show Mentalist. And Crowley is the one telling the story? (It might change because I’m having doubts on this first-person thing) so I don’t know, what are your thoughts?

Also I have a full first chapter written so might as well post it on ao3


John Cena's social media is fascinating because his twitter is the most generic sounding inspirational messages ever that sound like theyre from an old calendar while his instagram is filled with weird memes that Cena mustve made himself because a lot of them seem like he's the only person that understands them

Probably the most notable meme is Cena photoshopping someone else’s head (or an object) onto Stone Cold Steve Austin and saying “Stone Cold [thing in image]). He’s posted like hundreds of these

And you know he is soooo fucking proud of the memes


Times it makes sense for The Doctor to sing (imo you lunatics)

-Something immeasurably sad has happened and he starts singing something long and mournful, I can imagine this after Gallifrey is destroyed, regardless of who did it)

-He is drunk/partying/high as a kite and starts jamming singing with a band etc (this is 12 anytime he has a guitar or is left anywhere near a rock and roll or renaissance band)

Times when The Doctor wouldn’t sing and be corny and forced af

-For a shitty musical episode made by Disney


I’ve just seen someone call Captain Jack “Captain anything that moves Harkness” and now I’m dying


>me, has messy room and has utterly given up on trying to undo the mess

>eventually get a desk and can turn closet inti study/art room

>keep closet *meticulously* clean, anytime something is sitting out for too long it is put away

>*mother* keeps finding old art supplies and notebooks to give me (i gladly accept them)

>before I have any chance to clean up closet again and put supplies where I want them,

>mother dumps anything and everything on desk and chair

>I am ready to shoot someone

>for the love of god just put it on the fucking floor or wait for me to get it myself


go to this random coordinates generator and say in the tags how you would fare if you were dropped where it generates without warning. i’ll go first i’d be dropped in the middle of the fucking south atlantic ocean and perish


Mount Grefell National Park in Australia








Did it again. Antarctica.

south pole almost exactly

Clayton, Oklahoma

Ocean (South of Australia)

The tiniest neighbourhood in south Kuwait

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