avalonsilver reblogged
avalonsilver reblogged
supernatural is so funny because it started with dean and sam trying to find their father and it ended with them and an angel raising the new god
avalonsilver reblogged
Source: undercovercannibal
avalonsilver reblogged
avalonsilver reblogged
STACKEDNATURAL ⇉ 156/327 (part 1)
2.11 Playthings Written by Matt Witten Directed by Charles Beeson Original Air Date: January 18, 2007
avalonsilver reblogged
2.22 - All Hell Breaks Loose Part II
that’s all
avalonsilver reblogged
I've got boop blood in me, Dean. This disease pumping through my veins and I can't ever rip it out or scrub it clean. I'm a whole new level of tumblr user! And I'm just trying to take this—this boop...and make something good out of it. Because I have to.
avalonsilver reblogged
"Did you find something?" ↳ 15.09 - THE TRAP
avalonsilver reblogged
Supernatural 01x01 Pilot
Favorite moments
avalonsilver reblogged
So basically, this demon is going after these kids for some reason. The same way it came for me?
avalonsilver reblogged
Supernatural - 12.13 Family Feud
avalonsilver reblogged
—and build on it. You understand?
creative solutions for @wincestwednesdays
avalonsilver reblogged
SUPERNATURAL (2005-2020) 11.17 ❃ Red Meat