avalonsilver reblogged
how to deal with extreme heat without A/C
For anyone in the UK and Europe and wherever else who needs this -
- Close blinds and drapes to keep the sun out of your house and reduce the incoming heat.
- Drink a lot of a water. Like a shit ton of water. More than you think. I know ice water is less of a thing in some countries, but it's preferable because it'll keep you cooler.
- In addition to plain water, make sure to replace electrolytes lost through sweating, by drinking something like Gatorade. You can make a homemade electrolyte drink by mixing water with a small amount of sea salt (~ 1/4 tsp) and half a lemon or lime, and sweetener if needed.
- Dip a non-terrycloth tea towel (or any spare cotton like an old undershirt) in water and then stick it in the freezer for 5-7 minutes until it is icy cold but still pliable. Drape these cloths over bare skin, like your neck, legs, and forehead, and sit in front of a fan. The fan will continually evaporate heat and the cloth will stay very cold against you for quite a while.
- Fill up a spare spray bottle with water and spray yourself while in front of a fan. (Not quite as effective as #4 but still good.)
- Don't exercise. It exacerbates the stress on your body. You can skip one day gym bro.
- Don't forget to eat, and only eat cold things. If you don't have an appetite because of the heat, drink something like a smoothie.
- If it gets really bad, go to a cooling center if you can. Don't fuck around with extreme heat. Heat stress is deadly and often hard to feel until it's too late.