54% of all millennials claim to be non religious, agnostic or atheists…..67% of all millennials refused to show up to vote in an election that could have fully repaired and thickened, the only wall we should be talking about, the wall separating church and state. Maybe we are fighting the wrong fight here and looking for the wrong solution? ….Maybe the fight shouldn’t be so much against these charlatans anymore and instead should be the battle to engage, get involved and educate, once and for all, this massive population of young adults, so they can at the very least have a fighting chance to forge their future….without these charlatans in power positions.
I warned of the dangerous agenda of the radical Christian conservative right after listening to the Republican National Committee platform planning meetings on C-SPAN. They had it all laid out. Reversal of any gains in LGBTQ equality. Forcing prayer back into our schools. Introducing religious curriculums in our public schools. Ending restrictions on any organization that receives public funding against promoting political agendas. Making accusations of 1st Amendment erosion by the opposition in order to re-define “freedom of religion”-basically the ability to force their brand of religion on all, through the government, and calling it 1st Amendment protection. Reversing any laws preventing public officials from refusing to do their jobs based on their religious beliefs. Reversing any laws that would punish anyone from descriminating against or refusing to serve a person or persons if it is against their religious beliefs to serve them. In comes plastic Jesus, Mike Pence; In comes billionaire Betsy DeVos, Trump’s Secretary of Education pick, who if confirmed will try to use public funding for what are now private schools and religious institutions and who will try to put an end to public schools that she doesn’t consider “good schools” and will most definitely try to dissolve the separation of church and State. She is a big proponent of privatizing, commercializing, and eliminating public schools with Michigan being her Charter School testing grounds. DeVos is a mouthpice for “school choice” but in reality it is school for profit of the administrators with a lot of segregation and selective placement with poor curriculum and testing results in many of the schools. This is all contrary to what she proclaims, but of course she is a Republcan so it is expected.