One more broken promise, one more campaign lie, one more anti-American and fascist promotion of discrimination.
“It’s not that he might start a war via some belligerent ham-fisted Twitter accident, which would be bad enough, but he might start a war on purpose with no idea the status of American forces or how to deploy them in any coherent fashion. Nor does he have the focus or the intellectual curiosity necessary to find out.
And nobody else in his administration, including General James Mattis, apparently knows either.” ~ The brilliant Jim Wright, in an absolutely must read piece.
I used to be a fan of both @KidRock and @TedNugent but no more. Trump enablers and commy colluders. They call themselves patriots, but anyone who would prop up a fascist, mysogynist, narcissistic, zenophobic, corrupt and unethical Russian colluder is not a patriot, he is a traitor.
Americans can learn a lot from the Dutch when it comes to liberalism and winning.
Fascist Nationalist Dutch PM challenger and Trump equivalent loses election.
Marxist-Leninist Fascist Bannon, one of TrumpsPuppeteers
#Trumpocalypse Domestic terrorism emboldened by the hate mongering of the #TheoFascionalist Republican right and Fascist #unPOTUS45
“The media and the whole world will soon see, as we begin to take further actions, that the powers of the president to protect our country are very substantial and will not be questioned.”
I’m sorry…..I’m still in a state of shock who hired baby Grand Moff Tarkin lookin ass as SENIOR POLICY ADVISER it’s like this kid watched ep IV when he was a child and was like ‘ah yes the nazis are cool’
He also called a US Attorney at home to tell him how defend the Muslim ban. This creepy little assgoblin has never been to law school, and is younger than me, but I’m sure he’d pound shitty microbrew after shitty microbrew telling you about how he graduated from Duke, maybe you’ve heard of it?
Policy Propaganda Minister Miller predicting a fascist autocracy.
Demonizing and opressing the press-Adolf Hitler, Feuhrer of fascist Nazi Germany 1934 to 1945 Demonizing and opressing the press-Donald Trump, fascist Feuhrer-elect USA 2016-
Trump had 1 reserved seat for his “press conference” campaign rally, right in front of the table loaded with a pile of fake corporate paper folders prop. That seat was for a reporter from the ultra alt-right, neo-Nazi, white supremist fake news reporting site Brightbutt News. Trump in a Nazi like manner has been condemning and demonizing the news media just like Hitler and Nixon did.
The Kremlin Connection. One of the reasons a fascist, narcissist and pathological liar will be sitting in the big chair.