Comey needs to step up.
Does The Donald misunderstand what a selfie is? Could he be the first president to set himself up for impeachment for demanding the doors be open to dig deeper into the investigation of collusion with a hostile state, the #TrumpRussia #KremlinConnection? The #TrumpDossier has already raised questions of Putin’s Kremlin tracking the movements of Trump including some perverted #GoldenShowers accusations. Some of that information while at first looked at as being unverified has been proven to be true. The deeper they dig, the more corroborating proof there is to be found.
With Trump’s latest #TrumpTweets storm alleging orders of wire tapping by President Obama which are based on sensless #fakenews from conspiracy theorist Mark Levin then picked up by Breitbart News, Alex Jones from InfoWars, and the cheap grocery store tabloid The National Enquirer and other alt-right conservative sites, Trump is more or less giving his blessings on a no-holds-barred investigation that every anti-fascist anti-trump #resistance freedom fighters should be applauding. Trump’s chief #ChiefAltFactsSpinstress Kellyanne Conway says the #unPOTUS had access to intelligence sources that others do not have. Indeed he does, the #TITNET, Trump Intelligence Network which consists of fake news sites and conspiracy theorists Mark Levin, Alex Jones, Breitbart News, The National Enquirer, Roger Stone, Rudy Giuliani’s network, and the #FakeNews Leader - FOX News cable and Sean Hannity.
Trump’s deputy #PropagandaMinister Sarah Huckabee Sanders @SarahHuckabee ; daughter of many-time-losing Republican presidential candidate, radical right wing religious fanatic and GOP mouthpiece Mike Huckabee, has been pushing reports of DEMs who have sat with or spoke with any Russian official ever in response to the recent revelations that former Senator and now Secretary of State Jeff Sessions may have colluded with the Russian Ambassador to the U.S. prior to the innauguration at key times, and then lied about having any communication with any Russians, or knowing about any alleged Trump campaing member having Russian connections during the campaign at his confirmation hearing for Secretary of State, while under oath. He offered that information freely to a question about what he would do if he, as Secretary of State, was faced with allegations of any Trump campaign members having contact with any Russians. He was not asked about his own contacts, so I guess you could call that “guilty conscience”? Also there was much coverage of possible Kremlin/Putin support of Trump and against Clinton during much of the campaign so it is highly unlikely that Sessions had not heard of it since he was a senior Trump advisor and I’m sure he owns a TV. Yes, I think you would call that perjury.
Sessions was a key advisor to Trump during his campaign, and was a very hostile opponent to Hillary Clinton. The contacts that House Minority Leader Pelosi @NancyPelosi had with Russian ambassador Kislyak in 2010, and Senator Shumer @SenShumer eating a crispy creme donut in a snack shop with Putin, who knows when, have nothing to do the corroborating with Russians during the 2016 presidential campaign and possibly making promises of lifting sanctions against Russia if Trump was to win, downplaying the Crimean invasion by Russia, or changing wording of what level of support would be given to Ukraine in the RNC platform, or corroborating with Putin to undermine our election process. It is nothing more than a desperate attempt by Trump and his fascist regime to deflect attention away from his controvorsial policies, his lack of turning over his income taxes, his #KremlinConnections, his corrupt #TrumpFoundation dealings and the New York Attorney General case against it, his #EmolumentsClause infractions, his #TrumpyTweets, and oh, something not so new but getting more attention; that is his links with The Iranian Revolutionary Guard who funds terrorists, his links with Azerbaijan and their Transportation Minister and money laundering.
J.D. Gordon, former Trump National Security Adviser, during #RNCinCLE had briefed #SarahHuckabeeSanders and others on the communications between the Russian ambassador and Trump campaign officials including himself on Trump’s wishes to change wording in the Republican Party platform which included armament aid to Ukraine in their fight against pro-Russian separatists.
So I say bring it on, open more doors, and force the obstructionist #TheoFascionalist Republicans to do a thorough investigation and call for an independent committee to conduct the final investigation.