"lying is wrong" what evangelical nonsense is this???
listen to me. lying is morally neutral. and for many people in shitty situations it's a survival tactic.
lying in order to cause harm is often wrong, because causing harm is generally wrong. lying is also done for a myriad of other reasons, including because it isn't safe to speak truth, or because privacy is a thing and damn what an incredibly invasive question to ask in the first place.
truth is earned, my friend.
As with most things in life, lying is morally complex and its morality is context-dependent.
Lying to keep someone safe (be it you or another person) is morally good, because you're doing so to minimize harm.
Lying to hurt someone is morally bad because you're increasing harm.
And small white lies can be either harmful, neutral, or good depending on the situation, consequence, and intent.
But the mindset that lying is always bad is so simplistic and black-and-white thinking. Few things in life are so simple as always being clearly deliniated as good versus bad.