Bit of a promotion here, but anyway.
Sam Harris announced his new book today, available in September 2011. No information about it yet, other than this shot and that it's likely to be an e-book only.
@atheismfuckyeah /
Bit of a promotion here, but anyway.
Sam Harris announced his new book today, available in September 2011. No information about it yet, other than this shot and that it's likely to be an e-book only.
Got this in the post today (you send off for it via a website and they send it to you for free). I think I shall 'enjoy' myself reading it and then possibly write a review.
Here's the blurb from the back for you:
Watch the evening network news. Turn on your car radio. Scan today's newspaper. What do you see? Hear? Read?
A mix of news, good and bad - but mostly bad. some of it is downright frightening. What is the world coming to?
The news media can tell you what's happening. But this book will tell you why. And 'The Great Controversy' will tell you something you'll never hear on the evening newscast. This book will tell you what's going to happen!
Unstable economies. Nuclear tensions. Unpredictable terrorism. AIDS. The New Age and the New Right. The occult - and the cults. Where is it all leading?
'The Great controversy' begins at the dawning of the Christian era, traces the rise and fall of nations and religious powers down to our day, then plunges ahead to preview the future. And what this book sees coming is not based on guesswork. It is based on a source of predictions which has never yet missed in its prophecies.
The title of the book refers to a great cosmic war that erupted in the universe thousands of years ago and has raged ever since. Few people today realise that this Earth is the primary battle zone of the war. And fewer still know the war is being fought and how and when it will end.
But after reading this book - you'll be one of them.
Sounds like a truly epic fantasy/sci-fi adventure!
And then you realise this is written in all seriousness and people actually believe what this book is peddling.
The forward is right when it says:
We suggest you keep a pen or pencil handy to mark passages of special interest as you read. You will want to refer to those passages repeatedly as you get involved in the total message of these inspired writings.
I'm definitely keeping a pen handy. And I have a feeling the author wrote his own forward.
Wish me luck. This thing is in excess of 400 pages and the text is unrelentingly dense. And it's not illustrated. So there's no reprieve for my eyes.
Richard Dawkin’s new children’s book, The Magic of Reality.