These apps don’t get it. I want to have a ‘crush’ on someone and that is not possible unless they’re someone already in my life by happenstance and then I get obsessed with them for no reason. You don’t get that with a app because suddenly you’re on a ‘date’ having ‘drinks’. Like no sorry I don’t want to talk to you about my relationship history I want to look at you in a group setting and make up things about you in my head. Ok?
The thing is is like. I don’t enjoy dating the way I see other people enjoying dating because fundamentally what I find like fun and exciting is having an established dynamic with someone i.e. friend/coworker(bad idea)/passing academic acquaintance etc and then having that dynamic change through a series of rube goldberg machine-esque interactions. Like please somebody help me understand where the fun is in just going and being automatically In A Dynamic with someone and there’s no change there’s no transformation
The only two people who I feel really understand what I meant here