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Previously asexual-julian-devorak. She/They pronouns. 28 years old. Season of Performance Moth. Mammon Apologist. Feel free to spam like/reblog that's what my tags are there for❤️ Ask me to tag things if you want to blacklist them. Anon is forever and always on if you need something. Now also on Pillowfort and Bluesky!

i gotta find a good alternative to making im gonna kill myself jokes. unfortunately im finding very little that packs as much emotional punch that also doesnt sound super annoying

responses are ranging from too nonviolent to posts that will get me on federal watch lists

i dont think you guys understand the assignment

this is the shit im looking for thank you yes i am Going to shit myself

close contenders. “im gonna do it for real” is short and snappy but unfortunately i think It in this context wpuld sound like killing myself.

“end up on the news” is good but too long ive found. just doesnt pack a punch.

“i hope the earth explodes” also good however this is my brand of delusion for thinking id say this and then itd happen so this one is good for anyone else looking for an alt

“im going to end up on a list” has too many variables. too many bad lists out there to be on. but “its so over. its finished” is actually really good thats also going into the vocab.

“end up on the news”

is good but too long ive found.

just doesnt pack a punch.

Beep boop! I look for accidental haiku posts. Sometimes I mess up.


child healing manhwa (dont remember what its actually called) genre is fun because usually they take someone who was an orphan or had a terrible home life and then send them to a new world where they have a million doting dads. but its always dads. their bio mom might be in the picture, but if she is its only her. no other moms. just a million dads.

lout count also follows this trope. cale has like 5 dads. i mean he technically has two moms because drew is maybe hanging around in her diary. but still. why do you have so many dads--


"after everything i've done to revoke magic, why give it back to me?"

a heart-to-heart with caldarus (with a bonus celine stopping by). mithril has a complicated relationship with magic and he wants to sort it out, just not all at once... a doodle below the cut!


you! guy who likes fictional lesbians to the point of feeling a strange sense of pain! you can be a lesbian. but there are some steps you have to complete first


First, you need to gather [4 BOAR HIDES] from the Haunted Village.


The best cosplay I ever saw at a convention was two kids in a dual stroller, who as their parents pushed them past me were whaling on each other, just, calmly but continually fighting like they didn’t know how not to fight, and as they drew closer I realized these tiny violent toddlers were dressed as Cyclops and Wolverine. 

I think about those parents a lot

I posted this eight years ago and since then I’ve seen the twins several times, but at this point they’re old enough they don’t automatically start fighting when they see each other, so I can’t pick them out of the crowd anymore. But I do think fondly of their parents. :D


Three butch friends of mine finishing the basement of my first house around 1996.   They worked for beer, and not even anything fancy. 

babe are you okay you reblogged Three butch friends of mine finishing the basement of my first house around 1996 again


Can't be sincerely dark without being called edgy, can't be sincerely emotional without being called melodramatic, can't be sincerely silly without being called stupid. They're gonna hate every emotion you put in your art no matter what so make it anyway and be as sincere as you can be


i love the feeling of getting “clearer” as you get older, like with each year there’s less room for messing around or pretending or playing a game with something you know deep in your heart is not right for you. it’s like your brain just gets better and better at cutting you off as you consider something and tells you “no that is not for me” before you can jump in. and it’s not as if things get more serious, but the opposite. you have freedom in giving yourself more and more permission to purposefully live life and go after whatever you want and to love freely knowing that things are secure in your heart and mind.. at least when i am struggling i know that the “clearing” is really what’s happening


Every time a woman makes a pink job or girl math or girl dinner or I'm just a girl joke I unfortunately have to kill a random man on the streets. And you may think this is cruel or unjust but in reality that's just the way the cookie crumbles

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