~This blog contains disturbing and/or sexual content! It's a TFLN blog, and therefore not safe for minors!~ It is my sad duty to inform you that if cellular devices had been commonly used during the trials and tribulations of the Baudelaire orphans, they would - surprisingly enough - only rarely have made life more pleasant for the children, and as such few of us would bother to take the time to imagine what it might have been like. But we all have a duty to fulfil in life, and mine is to run a blog that will humbly attempt to show us such a world anyway, no matter how disgusting, cruel, and riddled with crime, perversion, sex, drugs, alcohol, and general villainy it is. At the risk of sounding cliché, you should look away if these things are disturbing to you. Run by a Known Expert on Lemony-Related Sexuality, the Starter of the Nipple Schism and the Twink/Twunk Schism, and the Server of the Hottest Tea in Fandom (or so I've has been told once.) Name's Cec, she/her, and I'm too old for this shit, really