This is Remus. My adventure cat and sleepy potato. He's currently very ill and in a vet until we can get some answers. He travels with me when I go outside and accompanies me on my adventures. He is a great back seat driver cat. And has been there for me through a lot.
Tuesday he wasn't feeling all that well and then night fell and he got worse and couldn't walk. Rushed him to the vet an hour away and he isn't doing well and it looks like it is going to get worse. There is a possibility it is cancer but we are still waiting on answers and tests. I am really trying not to let this tear me up but my god this sucks so much. And has happened so fast I am reeling.
I will update when I can but until then if you could boost my other post about my shop that features Remus I would appreciate that so much.
Please don't read if you find mentions of conditions triggering.
Vet called back and it has just gotten worse. They found fluid in his lungs so he is slowly drowning as well as multiple organ issues. We caught the urinary blockage early but that's it. I can't extend his life without him being in tons of pain and I won't do that let alone afford it.
Please hold your pets extra tight for me.