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my art blog


welcome to my art blog. you may know me from insta: and timey_wimey_cosplay | Queen incorrect quotes blog: incorrect-queen-quotes. main blog: artistic-lightcyle-main TES-Blog: artistic-lightcycle-TES

I was tagged by @ladyofthebruinen for a get to know me tag game. Thank you for tagging <3 I hope I won't forget on of the questions.

Last song: Love to Hate you - Erasure

Fav Color: a sunny orange

Last book: I don't really have time to read but when I have a little time I like reading Stephen Kings short stories so Night shift maybe?

Last movie: I don't know so I give you the last I watched in the cinema, which was Deadpool and Wolverine

Last Show: Stargate SG1 with my boyfriend (his first time, my first complete rewatch) and Genial Daneben reruns (a german comedy show) on twitch

Sweet/Savoury/Spicy: everything chili cheese is amazing.

Relationship status: taken for years now

Last thing I googled: "Lion griffin dragon creature on coat of arms" (its a heraldy panther which isn't a typical panther but a mythical creature that has a lion body, dragon head and griffin feet. Needed it for my term paper)

Looking forward to: All the amazing moments I'll make with my stargate people from the Stargate_Germany in 2025 :)

I tag everyone who wants to do it. Good luck remembering all the questions. XD


Do you know what I love about Sam and Daniel’s friendship?

Despite the two of them being absolute, blatant nerds who, from the first episode, freak out about the nerdy stuff together, never once did the writers go, ‘we should sexualise their friendship or put some kind of sexual tension in there bc they’re of the opposite gender and have shared interests.’

It would have been so easy for them to pair them together and that be the end of it but by not sexualising their relationship, it was able to develop into a really cool friendship where they both understood each other and could joke around and make fun of each other but also comfort and console each other in times of need.

(As seen in the GIF below, even early on in S1, Sam is looking out for him bc perhaps she recognised that, like her, Daniel can get too caught up thinking about things to look after himself)

It felt a lot like a brother and sister, which, given that Sam’s family is a little disfunctional and Daniel didn’t have any siblings, it was perfect to give these two babs each other as a substitute.

I understand that they could have done the same with Teal’c and Sam but he’s more of their weird cousin from overseas (overspace?) and that’s also a pure friendship but this is an essay about my fave Doctors.

Next week on Crystal Rants: why Janet Fraiser deserved better!


This perfectly put my thoughts on these two into words.

The science siblings™

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