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a planet lit by no sun

@artemiese /

anastasia, 28. visual arts and science fiction // my work // sci-fi recs

These shimmering cosmic curtains show interstellar gas and dust that has been heated by the flashbulb explosion of a long-ago supernova. The gas then glows infrared light in what is known as a thermal light echo. As the supernova illumination travels through space at the speed of light, the echo appears to expand.

Credit: NASA, ESA, CSA, STScI, Jacob Jencson (Caltech/IPAC)


1.01, "But, of course, we will not be abandoning Erebus, nor Terror, should she suffer some minor misfortunes."

1.03, "There are many feats that preoccupy a captain's imagination. Abandoning his ship and his men should not be among them. Yet I write to announce my resignation as Captain of HMS Terror."


Mutual 1: guys we should all be listening to this Czech Electro-ska band that released a single album of seven songs in 1995

Mutual 2: here's 7000 words on french socks 1886-1891

Mutual 3: I think I hauve covid

Mutual 4: obsessed with War and Peace currently literally incapable of thinking about anything else

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