Lisa Brice - Untitled (2020)
Edgar Degas - Femme vue de dos (Woman seen from behind), from the series Dans le bordel (1879)
Kenny Harris - Harmony in Blue and Yellow (2020)
Anna Weyant - Reposing V (2019)
Sadequain (Sadequain Naqqash) - Untitled (Young woman with a mirror) (1976)
Vincente Capobianchi - A new mandolin (1878)
Frans van Ermengem (aka François Maret) - Le paradis terrestre (1928)
Zinaida Serebriakova - Dancers in a dressing room (1923)
Laura Knight - Make-up (Dressing Room) (1959)
ZeJu Guan (关则驹) - Ballerinas. In a Dress Room (c. 2014)
Robin F. Williams - Out Lookers (2021)
Giorgio Vasari - Perseus and Andromeda (c.1572) In Palazzo Vecchio, Florence, Italy
Nicolas de Larmessin - Habit de Marchand Miroitier-Lunettier {Outfit of a Mirror and Spectacle Merchant}, from Les Habits à la mode (c.1690s)
Sandy Skoglund - The Paper Bathroom (aka Walking on Eggshells) (1997)
Carlo Bertocci
Carlo Bertocci - Caffè latte (2017)
Fernando Botero - Two women, a little girl and her doll (1994)
Chaim Gross - Girl with Mirror (1976) Watercolor and pencil on paper, ± 23 x 43 cm