Cisco was a founding member of Team Flash and best friend to many. In the time he spent in Arrowverse we meet a variety of altenative versions of Cisco ranging from evil doppelgängers to halucinations with a few altered realities mixed in. Which of these alternative Cisco did you like best?
At the start of season four, Wally and Cisco teamed togehter solving and fighting crime but we didn't see that team up for long before Wally left. Would you have liked to have seen more of Team Kid Flash and Vibe?
They both won their individual rounds but who's journey to becoming a public known hero did you enjoy most, Laurel or Cisco?
Both Cisco and Wally became known to the public as meta heros during season 3 of The Flash but it wasn't entirely easy for either of them to reach their hero status, whose journey to becoming a hero where you more interested in?
The evil doubleganger of Cisco appeared very little in the Earth-2 adventure, would you have liked to have seen more of him or not?
In the second season two characters gained powers though a series of trumatic events. But who had it worse?