Report Disney, Report Universal, Knotts, the Large Golf Courses.
Report them en mass and force their business behavior to change.
If you want to report water waste by Disney, Nestle, Universal, Palm Springs Golf Course, etc., go here and select “multiple types of waste”, because nothing else actually fits real wasters like them. (The other nine options are about ratting out your neighbors [7], complaining about cleanliness in hotels [1], or complaining about restaurants serving water unasked [1]. Fuck all of these.)
“Multiple types of waste” requires a comment, but somehow I don’t think anyone on Tumblr will have any problems sharing their opinion. In vast detail, if necessary.
You can also take photos of Disney’s, Knotts’, Universal’s, etc. water waste and attach it to the report.
This can be done through desktop or mobile.
Have fun!