"Which movie Loki outfit is your favorite?"
"The one with the handcuffs."
@archaeren / archaeren.tumblr.com
First they were nice … and then … IT HAPPENED!
We were posted by the official Katsucon tumblr?! Ahhh, I love it! I am Lady Loki, (This is my cosplay page) and Lady Thor is the ever-talented Lady Everspark
Cue the onslaught of fanfics about Loki running a nightclub in the 1970s.
To the adorable Loki cosplayer at Tekko this year (one of many, I know): I am the sexy Iron Man who kept passing you in the con. I believe we took at least one photo together, and at one point, passing each other on the escalators, I yelled 'FROSTIRON!!!' at you, and you and your friends laughed. You seem cool. If you have a Tumblr (and what Loki cosplayer DOESN'T have a Tumblr, let's be real here) I think we should follow each other. Message me? :D
So I just watched Ghost Rider for the first time. Then I went on AO3 and am very disappointed to discover nobody has written Loki/Blackheart. Can't find any via Google either. Guys. Why the hell is this not a thing. There is absolutely NO REASON for Tom Hiddleston and Wes Bentley to not be sharing villainous nights of glorious unbridled passion spiked with daddy issues and extraordinary amounts of eyeliner. No reason at all. :|