I want someone to name their racehorse My Face so those in attendance or betting yell "Come on My Face!!" for two and a half minutes
Porn: The only industry where segregation by race, sexual preference and gender is viewed as acceptable
Growing Up: Whatever you do, don't get in a car with strangers
Now: Let's use an app to find a stranger that will drive us around for the night
Being lowkey is a skill these days.
If Kanye had a Tumblr, it would just be an endless loop of him reblogging himself
Girls shouldn't let their stomach be a factor in if they wear crop tops. Winnie the Pooh has worn one for years and he looks damn good.
There are moments in life that can make or break you. Having your parents asking you what truffle butter means is one of them.
The stages of receiving a random dick pic.
When your family members start asking about your personal life.
When you really just have to finish up your paper.
I always love the spirit around veterans day, but it shouldn't end today. People who put their lives at risk to protect others should be celebrated every day not just once a year.
People my age are getting engaged but I have trouble committing to a season of a show on Netflix.
People too frequently confuse someone with good intentions for being "thirsty".
Social media and texting is just like real life. You need to sort through all the dicks before you know who your real friends are.
Raisin cookies that look like chocolate chip are one of the main reasons I have trust issues.
If you're upset about not being in a relationship don't be. Before you can fully love someone, you have to love yourself. Until that's the case, you won't fully know what you want in a person. But in the same regard, after appreciating yourself, you'll fully understand what you can offer to somebody.