pokemetal…. metalmon…. you see what i’m getting at here
So proud of my team!! :D
When I found Mime Jr. in the starting area of Ultra Sun I loved that you could have a team consisting of Popplio and a Mime Jr. so early in the game. They’re so cute together! So I tried to design a team to match them, following a carnival/circus theme that was also coherent visually. This team is the result! Pokémon that didn’t make the cut include Bruxish, Monferno, Machoke, and Ditto.
It was really interesting to play with so many unevolved ‘mons. During key battles I had to use X-items and Roto Boosts, and during a good portion of the game I turned on the Experience Share, which were firsts for me. Definitely worth it! It goes to show that these games really make it possible to win with any Pokémon.
UB BURST Enter the party
Pokémon cupcakes by poco0v0!
Fall fae 2: Mime, Jr. & Mr. Mime
The mime family is weird. I don’t really get them; I dislike clowns, I don’t really get stereotypical mimes, and I found its design sort of off-putting. Later I found its addition of fairy typing confusing. After a bit of research, I found some interesting connections to fairy lore and a new appreciation for the line.
Because the Mimes were designed long before fairies existed, these may be coincidences; but I think the interpretations are flexible, and if unintended coincidences help anyone to better appreciate this bizarre little fae, it can only be a good thing.