Hearts (and minds) in tune...
Sora: “I want to run down the beach together again. There are so many things I wanted to do with him.”
Riku: “He wanted to go back to their sea…their island. He wanted to run down the shore with Sora. That was the wish in his heart.”
Riku: “And if this really is the end of all the worlds, I don’t mind fading out here.… (a paragraph later) Still, being in the dark along with Sora…that wasn’t so bad. Riku wouldn’t be lonesome at all.”
Sora: “Even without us, the worlds will be okay, he thought as he gazed at the horizon. I don’t mind becoming part of the darkness, if I’m with Riku.”
Finishing each other’s sentences:
“This thing is tough,” Sora complained. “Well, it is our last enemy, right?” Riku’s lips curled in a confident smirk and he steered toward the dragon’s head. “I’ll hit it with lasers. And then you-” “Jump on it and attack its head, right?” Sora grinned at him. “Gotcha!”
“Riku met Xemnas’s portentous declaration with a stony stare. “You’re right. Darkness and light are eternal,” he replied, his voice low. “Nothing probably goes on forever, too. But guess what, Xemnas…?” “That doesn’t mean you’re eternal!” Sora finished for him in a shout and took his stance with the Keyblade.”
-Kingdom Hearts 2 Novel