Me?? Posting again about how wonderful trans people are??? It’s more likely than you think.
btw if you go up to an aylonit/saris/androgynos/tumtum who doesn't identify exclusively as a man or a woman and you tell them "you have to be either male or female" not only are you being enbyphobic and intersexist, you are also being very antisemitic. trying to strip jews of their cultural identities and practices to use loaded "scientific" language to describe their bodies is textbook antisemitism taken straight from early 20th century eugenicists. an aylonit/saris/androgynos/tumtum is the category that they say they are, and calling them anything else in regards to their sex and/or gender unless they say you can call them that is shitty. they do not owe you information about their chromosomes, genitals, and reproductive organs so you can push them and their bodies into western colonial categories. more broadly, intersex people (but especially jewish and non-white intersex people) don't owe you conformity to the western understanding of male and female.
Fact #949: Your gender is valid no matter what pronouns you use.