Please feel free to post why you do or don't go to therapy, experiences with different therapists, or anything else that might give more data.
The brain does not magically mature at 25. Actual neuroscientists note some 8-year-olds even have a greater "maturation index" than 25-year-olds. The myth misunderstands basic neuroscience but is still used for anti-trans policymaking like the Cass Report.
I hate this comparison! Autism is talked about like it's some deadly disease. It's been compared to cancer, diabetes and AIDS, which isn't just insulting to autistic people, it's also insulting to people dealing with cancer, diabetes and AIDS!
As the child of a cancer survivor I implore you, just stop this. Autism isn't a disease, it's just a different neurotype.
i don't know who is telling you this but our society is not what makes autism a disability. if we reformed the education system and became socialist autism would still be a disability. current society does not help but like. overthrowing capitalism will not magically make me able to eat vegetables
More and more parents of autistic kids are finding out that they’re autistic as well, which is awesome! This makes me wonder what mental gymnastics parents who don’t believe autism is genetic, but see themselves in their autistic child, have to do.
Flashback Friday: Originally posted June 21st, 2020
Why am I autistic? Because my dad's autistic! Thanks for the autism Dad! It's very much appreciated ^_^
On 6/11 a House subcommittee passed a draft bill that would stop the FDA banning shock devices used at the JRC. Our next step is to stop it passing the Appropriations committee.
Look for a new ASAN #StopTheShock action alert soon on how to push back.
Lots of people have asked if the FDA has the power to ban electric skin shock devices since the 2021 lawsuit that said the FDA could not do this. Good news: the FDA can! A bill Congress passed in 2022 specifically gives it this power.
{With the Light on 'Jiheishō'}
Flashback Friday: Originally posted February 18th, 2020
The fact that there are autistic people who believe vaccines cause autism blows my mind! They often cause a lot of drama in online autistic spaces.
The idea that autistic people are child-minded is harmful to all autistics, but especially harmful to queer autistics.
Our very identities are denied and ignored for no other reason than other people see us as unable to think for ourselves.
It's so insulting to know that just being a partner of an autistic person can get you labeled such horrid things simply because of people's incorrect beliefs surrounding autistic adults.
I've met people who seem genuinely confused as to why other people don't act exactly like them. It's like they can't grasp the fact that they aren't the default.
I’ve never been able to “just be me” without being labelled. I think it’s one reason why, even to this day, I mask so much. At least with the label of autistic it’s one that I like, and feel a connection to. I’m proud to be autistic, and when someone tells me that I shouldn’t use that label for whatever reason it feels like a slap in the face.
Although there are some autistic traits that are more common with certain genders, to assign these traits only to specific genders seems to be over-simplifying things. Both autism and gender are far more complicated than that.
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