After (unfortunately) being on Reddit for many years I've come to the conclusion that a lot of Redditors believe that the worst thing that can happen to you is someone cheating on you, especially a woman. Like sometimes Redditors judge others more harshly for cheating than they do for sexually assaulting or physically abusing someone.
And then someone will call them out or ask them to be more rational and they'll be like "well CLEARLY you've never had your heart shattered by a woman!!!!!!!" and then you're like "oh, yeah, this person has never experienced anything worse than the heartache caused by cheating."
Obviously I'm not defending cheating, it's a really horrible, scummy thing to do, I'm just saying that the intense attitude Redditors have towards it is so weird. Like I've seen people unironically suggest that cheating should be punishable by law. Like my man, I'm sorry Amy cheated on you, but it's time to move on. You deserve better.